New hopes at the UN with a pact on migration


12 July 2018, 01:23 United Nations, 12 July (Prensa Latina) The Permanent Representative of Mexico to the United Nations, Juan José Gómez, emphasized the expectations raised by the adoption of future of the Global Compact for a safe, orderly and regular migration, negotiated since the beginning of the year.

The Mexican ambbadador – who, with the representative of Switzerland, is one of the co-facilitators of the process – described this project as a great achievement because "it's the first once we can place the migration at the central table of the United Nations.

We are building an international governance that refers to a big phenomenon: migration and the first time there are alternatives and real tools of public policy in this sense, he said in an exclusive interview with Prensa Latina.

After six rounds of negotiations, held every month since February, this week they have reached the climax and the pact will be approved tomorrow. Then, it should be approved at the end of the year at a high level event in Morocco.

It is an instrument of great technical complexity from the point of view of migration policies, that is why it is proposed to cover different angles, said the Mexican diplomat.

We tried to balance different interests and perceptions, both regionally and nationally, which made it extremely complex and interesting from a diplomatic point of view. Among the most difficult points, he mentioned the distinction between a regular migrant and an irregular migrant, or in other words, a migrant with documents in good standing and an undocumented migrant.

All this to establish rights, benefits and protections Gomez said that migrants should have in destination countries.

Another complex issue was to establish the border between a refugee and a migrant. What are the differences in terms of protection, rights and guarantees?

In the case of refugees, the ambbadador said that there is a solid international framework that guarantees important protections.

There was also a lot of discussion on the subject. He also stressed the commitment of the country of origin to receive their nationality and to do so with regard to returns, receptions or readmissions, and the circumstances under which a country of destination may decide that 39, a migrant must leave this territory. human conditions and guarantee of reintegration

The final text of the agreement aims to provide migration policy tools and also draws lines to deal with crises, such as those currently occurring at the US-Mexico border or in Mediterranean.

As Gómez pointed out, the pact proposes a series of policies aimed at mitigating and preventing these crises.

For example, he went further, the non-separation of families, the right to due process, access to information, the frontal fight against trafficking and trafficking in persons, and additional protections to the flows of people who are not refugees, but because of their conditions of vulnerability should not return to their country of origin.

According to the Mexican ambbadador, the pact will have a very long life, which will allow to rethink its positions to those who are removed from it, this is the case of the United States.

It is not a question of putting an end to the migration, nor of encouraging it, it is a question of making it orderly, sure and regular, concluded the Mexican diplomat.

tjd / ifb

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