New measures order and develop self-employment in Cuba


Havana 10 Jul (PL) The will of the Cuban government today favors the flexibilisation and organization of work for its own account (TCP), revealed the Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Security, Marta Elena Feitó.
In statements made at a press conference at the headquarters of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, the official stressed that, in order to promote progress in the development of the PCT, the Council of Ministers has approved a set of decisions This policy was approved in the conceptualization of the Cuban model.

The regulation, now published in the Gazette officielle extraordinaire number 35 on its website, improves the provisions relating to this form of management and its control system. new regulatory framework, detailed the Deputy Minister, includes five decree-laws, a decree and 14 resolutions involving different state agencies such as the Ministries of Transport, Public Health, Industry, Culture, Finance and Prices and the l 39; Institute of Physical Planning.

The measures, said Feitó, in addition to meeting the demands of workers in the sector, establish regulations to strengthen control at the municipal, provincial and national levels.

According to the official, with the reorganization, the 201 modalities for the TCP are grouped into 123, which reduces the bureaucratic and nuclear process under one license several related activities. All this, he said, without increasing the tax burden for the worker or eliminating any of the already approved activities.

On the contrary, and to meet several demands in the sector, new figures are created within this example of management like the activity of bars and recreation, the figure of the baker-sweetener and the lessor of vehicle, exemplified.

As part of the most significant developments, Feitó mentioned the possibility of renting legal entities by companies. tenants of homes and the power of these to provide food authorization prior to the health authorities.

Similarly, business owners are entitled to perform their duties with an employed person in the event of prolonged absence; and causes and activities entitled to request a temporary suspension of activity are increased.

The application of the new provisions, whose entry into force will take place 150 days after their publication in the Official Journal, involves a training process for the agencies in charge of its implementation and for the actors PCT, Feitó informed.

After this period, he added, the delivery of the 27 terms of this form of management now suspended will be resumed.

According to the deputy minister, 1,456 self-employed workers, or 13% of the total number of workers in the country

tgj / ifs

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