Nicanor and Cartes denounce Lugo in front of the prosecutor's office for truncating them


Former President Nicanor Duarte Frutos and President Horacio Cartes both denounced Senator Fernando Lugo for several crimes before the public prosecutor. The charges claim that the former bishop usurped the duties of the other powers by not summoning them to the Senate.

Nicanor argues that Lugo has no parliamentary privileges because no one was sworn in as a senator on June 30. Card's complaint calls for Lugo's removal from office for further prosecution.

For its part, the prosecution has already decided to set up a team of prosecutors to investigate the case. The tax file will be carried out by agents Sonia Mora and Rodrigo Estigarribia, under the coordination of Deputy Prosecutor Edgar Moreno, reported by the Attorney General's Office.

The same facts had already been reported last week, but this time by Chartist lawmakers. In total, three complaints were lodged with the Office of the Prosecutor against former President Lugo.

ARGUMENTS. The complaint of Duarte Frutos was presented by the lawyers Rogelio Benítez (Minister of the Interior of the Government of Nicanor), Carolina Berdoy and Armín Díez Pérez, and it is for the crimes of aggression against the Constitutional order, coercion against state organs, usurpation of public functions, contempt and production of non-authentic documents.

"There is usurpation of functions: (Lugo) jumps over the Constitution and presents himself as the Electoral Justice and the Supreme Court.It does not respect a mandatory order of conformity through the amparo presented and won by Duarte Frutos, Hidden Documents, does not present to the plenary the office ordained by the oath of NDF, summoned to those who have been neither elected nor proclaimed and does not swear by force, "said Benitez, who said that waiting for a punishment for Lugo is ten years in prison. Berdoy added that, at their discretion, Lugo still does not have parliamentary privileges, therefore, his dismissal is not necessary to prosecute him

For his part, the complaint filed by Cartes, by through his lawyer Juan Sosa Bareiro

In this regard, the complaint states that Lugo, in his capacity as President of the Senate, "does not have the legal right to change the decision of the electoral justice , let alone make changes to the order of the list of elected senators and summons to take oath to undeclared persons elected and proclaimed. "

The memoir, in which Maps tells the details of the case, claims that Lugo has usurped functions of the Superior Court of Electoral Justice. He also asks that a court seek immunity in the Senate.

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