Nicaragua Celebrates the Day of Joy Towards Peace, says Vice President | news


The vice-president of Nicaragua Rosario Murillo badured at the commemorations of Día de la Alegría held on Tuesday, that the Nicaraguan people "covers the peace and security ".

Murillo affirms that the country wants "to take back at liberty, with the forces of our dignity, the ways of the common good, the ways of generosity, of solidarity". 19659004] The Coordinator of the Communication and Citizenship Council also urged "to work every day to build peace and reconciliation, to advance in security, peace and life and to liberate our territory."

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"We saw images of people, families commemorating all these historic dates, dates of our heroic legacy, dates to commemorate us as a dignified and free people, in love with peace, (…) a people who knew how to overcome the dictatorship and who knew how to establish the rights of all, in a Nicaragua which today We also fight for peace, to restore peace, paths of encounter, reconciliation, a Nicaragua like the one we all want, "said Vice President.

>> Nicaragua Celebrates the 38th Anniversary of the Sandinista Revolution

Murillo noted that the country has been plunged into "the misfortunes produced by a minority of hatred but we must go from there" 39, before, The people knows how to transcend all difficulties, all challenges. "

" The smile will return to illuminate the faces of all Nicaraguan families, "he said, adding that it is the only 39, commitment of the president Daniel Ortega and the one on which the government works. "That's what Nicaraguan families are asking for and that's what we do," he concluded.

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