Nicaraguan students spoke with Óscar Arias about the brutal repression launched by Daniel Ortega


Four Nicaraguan university students went to the home of former president Oscar Arias in Rohrmoser to show him firsthand what is happening in his country with the brutal repression of Daniel Ortega

. April they were with Arias gathered for more than two hours, which recommended the intervention of the International Criminal Court in the acute socio-political crisis of Nicaragua.

Arias heard the dramatic cases of youths who were kidnapped, tortured and killed by police and paramilitary forces in the service of the government, although this insists on taking a distance.

A day earlier, Fernando Sanchez, also a student at the university, was in Telenoticias to talk about the excessive force used by Ortega to quell the protests. against and that took place for three months.

"Daniel Ortega is a wounded hyena, desperation, and that's why it got worse with violence and sends people to kill, kidnap and torture people," he told .

While this is happening in Costa Rica, in the neighboring Ortega nation, he has banned his resignation before ending his term in 2021.

"Our election period ends with the elections of 2021, when we will have our next elections "in an interview with the American Fox News, in which he rejected the holding of early elections.

"To advance the elections would create instability, insecurity and make things worse," said Ortega, according to the Spanish translation of the English version of his statements to the program "Special Report with Bret Baier ". years, which ruled Nicaragua for a total of 22 years since the Sandinista revolution led by the dictator Anastasio Somoza in 1979, said that the violent riots that began in April are over.

It's been a week since the end of the riots, things are becoming more normal in the country, "said the former guerrillas, while acknowledging that peaceful protests for and against his government are continuing. [19659002] Declaration of Ortega Nicaragua refers to anti-government demonstrations earlier this month, violently repressed by police and paramilitary groups C & # 39; is bound to the president.Clinicayan Center of Human rights (Cenidh) said on Monday that at least 292 people died in protests that erupted on April 18 against a government-sponsored social security reform, but that resulted in a sweeping move that requires the exit of the power of Ortega and his wife and vice president, Rosario Murillo.

"Not a dead in a church"

Ortega dismissed the charges according to which he controls the pro-government paramilitaries They were seen acting in agreement with the police.

Instead, he accused the Nicaraguan political groups of the main anti-government militias, funded by drug traffickers and US agencies. According to Ortega, these militias killed "dozens" of police during the riots.

"No peaceful demonstrations" was attacked, said the president.

Ortega also denied the denunciations of Catholic demonstrators and priests that the police had shot dead two young men locked in a church in Managua. seat on July 13th and 14th.

"No Nicaraguan has died in any church, not a single Nicaraguan has died in a church, that's wrong," Ortega insisted.

He also said that it is wrong to say that priests are attacked.

There is not a single priest that we persecute, "said Ortega, adding that he appreciated the efforts of the Catholic Church to mediate in conversations between his government and opposition groups

– "Terrible Lies" –

Ortega He rejected the claims of his detractors that he seeks to establish a "family dynasty", including his wife in the presidential form

"He never came to the spirit of establishing a dynasty," he said. "My wife is the first time that it is vice. -president. "

" We are not attached to power, "he says.

Ortega says he decided to speak to Fox News after years of refusing interviews with foreign media, because He wants the United States to show respect in Nicaragua. .

"The history of our relations with the United States has been painful I do not want to repeat it, "he said, reprimanding a critical resolution of the situation Nicaragua prepared by American lawmakers. [considéré] "a campaign of lies, terrible lies to try to harm the image of Nicaragua and his government."

Ortega governs Nicaragua since 2007 for the third consecutive period, after holding power between 1979 and 1990 after leading the popular uprising that overthrew dictator Somoza.

The political crisis affected the economy of Nicaragua one of the poorest countries in America: the Standard Rating Agency and Poor & # 39; S (S & P) announced on Monday that it had lowered the country's sovereign debt rating from B + to B, with a negative outlook.

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