Nicolás Maduro approved a restructuring plan for state-owned enterprises


Photo: @PresidencialVen

(Caracas, July 28. News24) .- The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, reported that he approved "a plan to restructure the economic model, of the management model and turn all these businesses into what should be productive enterprises. "

This was stated by the national leader during his speech at the opening ceremony of the IVth Congress of the Unified Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), which took place this Saturday in the vicinity of the National Pantheon, where a few minutes before paid tribute to the Liberator Simón Bolivar, accompanied by the first vice president of the red canopy Diosdado Cabello.

In turn said that said Congress should be a "Congress should be open to all society (…) to discuss proposals that the Great Patriotic Pole has developed from its foundations."

From another side Do, Maduro, proposed to the leaders of the Psuv to create "in the structure of the party we conform a commission permanent issuance and disclosure of the history of the Revolution Bolivarian ", as well as extending alliances with other sectors.

It should be noted that at this congress, the seven lines of work proposed by Maduro were debited, which stipulated that "we must persevere in the line of dialogue and peace number one" in which he declared " I would like to meet the Venezuelan opposition."

He stressed the importance of the debate on the country's economy at Congress and said: "I expect a lot of Fourth Congress (…) I request that this congress be extended deliberations in its consultation process and its decisions for at least thirty days until the end of the month of August, so that it can witness to economic changes. "

In this sense, I badure you that they are already in the country. Banknotes which will form part of the new currency cone which will come into effect on August 20 .

announced that from the 4 to the 5 of August next they will carry out the "national car census for a new energy policy related to the map of the homeland".

He also badured that the objectives of the Third Congress were fully fulfilled, "this fourth party congress " must have national utility, historical relevance and political capacity to deal with the current situation " [19659005] In turn, he expressed his rejection of the violence actions sponsored by the opposition sectors in Nicaragua "greetings to our brother Daniel Ortega Saavedra, Rosario Murillo and the people of Nicaragua, Venezuela is firm with you, "he said, recalling that the same acts of violence have been perpetrated in Venezuela and that" with the constituent's legacy we have overcome violence … peace has triumphed. "

Read also: Diosdado Cabello: with the PSUV Congress we will come out "more united" and strengthened "

He also said that Venezuela is living the largest revolutionary process in its history" February 27 (2019) commemorates let us embellish the 30 years of the national popular rebellion in which our people played. It is the 30th anniversary of the beginning of the longest, most sustained and deepest revolutionary cycle in the history of Venezuela ", Recalled.

It should be noted that the event includes the participation of mayors and governors of the country, as well as representatives of the Pseu of the 335 municipalities, accompanying representatives of 35 countries, as well as representatives of the political parties that make up the Patriotic Grand Patriotic.

On the other hand, Cabello, stressed that the Psuv is currently "in training", in this sense he stressed that this political organization "was able to be forged in moments of great tension (.. .) and walks the streets sometimes working with his nails to build the revolution "

To which, Cabello, stressed that" this game has gone through and achieved great victories and I believe that many victories are still ahead. "

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