Nine US Attorneys Urges FDA to Ban Aromas in Tobacco Products


DRAFTING .- Attorneys General of nine US states. have urged the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) today to ban flavored tobacco products, as they lead children to start smoking more easily at a young age.

"The fundamental responsibility of the FDA is to protect the health and well-being of the American public," said New York Attorney General Barbara D. Underwood, who recalled in a statement that he There were already studies showing that the added flavors encourage high school students to start smoking.

According to Underwood Attorney, "The ban on flavored tobacco products is critical to the public health of New Yorkers, especially young people, who often become addicted to these products at a young age, which leads to a life of dependence. "

The letter to the FDA, which primarily thinks of the proliferation of electronic cigarettes and water pipes, is signed, besides Underwood, by attorneys general of the 39; Idaho, Illinois, Maine, Mbadachusetts, New Mexico, Oregon, Pennsylvania and Rhode Island. Prosecutors remind the FDA that "most high school students who use electronic cigarettes, cigars or pipe-hookahs use flavored tobacco products"

. This type of tobacco increases the risk of developing arterial, coronary, cancerous and other tobacco-related diseases.

Tobacco products that are flavored with menthol are more of a risk to public health than these products. tobacco that does not contain menthol, an additive already banned in conventional cigarettes in the United States and in the European Union.

In 2009, the US Congress pbaded the Tobacco Control Act, which banned cigarettes containing flavors other than tobacco and menthol, and gave the FDA the power to regulate tobacco products.

This law was pbaded to reduce the number of young people who smoke and become addicted to tobacco products. The Attorney General's Office of the State of New York and the rest of the prosecutors are now urging the FDA to follow the steps of Congress and to ban all flavors on other tobacco products such as electronic cigarettes, little cigars and other non-tobacco products. -combustibles.

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