Ojani Noa, Jennifer Lopez's first husband, had her relationship


The first husband of Jennifer López was Cuban Ojani Noa . She was 26 years old and the 21st, when they met at a restaurant in Miami, owned by Emilio and Gloria Stefan. The relationship lasted three years of court and 10 months of marriage that ended quickly with a divorce, without giving much explanation on the reasons for the separation.

The love story between Cuban and Puerto Rican

Ojani tables and pulled out an order of fries when the Queen of Bronx put his eye on the Cuban food restaurant. After the first meeting, JLo [VIDEO] and a friend returned to the establishment two days in a row to find him a conversation and get the details of the man who had conquered him at first sight.

This is what Ojani himself said this Friday, July 12 in the program " Online Scratch " of Somos Miami Tv.

Ojani badured that He did not know that JLo He was a celebrity. He said that at the time of the phone, he had given him the number of the bipper, because he had no cell phone, and that they had started their friendship by making calls. interurban and sporadic encounters that allowed them to marry

. husband and wife, Cuban and Puerto Rican traveled to Havana, Cuba, to meet Noa's family. After 3 years of relationship they decided to get married in 1996, but after ten months they divorced, and he told himself that it was because of the unfaithfulness of the artist with the rapper Puff Daddy . According to Noa

The first ex-husband of the Queen of Bronx revealed that they always had a good friendship after their separation, said that he loved her and respected her as a woman.

She also revealed that he was supporting her "a lot", accompanying her to the recordings and that he was with her when they were having her anxiety attacks at midnight.

Although he expresses that they have always had a good relationship, in the media he did not give that impression. In 1999, the confrontation between JLo and Ojani reached the courts. On this occasion, he told the New York Post that she Jennifer Lopez ) was destroying her life. Noa was emphatic when he said, "He uses his power and his money to prevent me from continuing my life."

It was 12 years after the divorce, when his ex-wife sued for wanting to publish bad videos when they were together In connection with this scandal, Ojani Noa took advantage of the interview to declare that he had been unfairly accused and accused

The Cuban clarified that these videos did not exist and that his intention at the time was to make a documentary of his life and chevrons e immigrants . He claimed that it was not meant to expose their intimacy as a couple, but to show images that he had of when they had gone to his homeland.

This lawsuit lasted 4 years in court and eventually the lawsuit did not prosper.

What Ojani did not say about the Noa-López relationship

In the same program Ojani badured that would be able to badault or to offend any woman because he has a mother and sisters. He said that he had been very upset that the press was telling lies about him. However, between Noa and Lopez the relationship was not as good as he painted it.

In 2005, she had to pay him about 100,000 euros because he accused her of unlawful dismissal from the Madre restaurant where he worked

In 2006, she was sued for violation of a confidentiality agreement and for wanting to reveal the details of his intimate life in the book "The Unknown Truth: A Pbadionate Portrait of a Pending Novel in Series" Where He Planned to include a list of public and hidden couples. Although one judge avoided publishing his story in the book, the information filtered out and everyone talked about the relationship the artist had during filming " Anaconda "in 1997.

in 2007, he had to pay his ex-wife 500,000 euros for damages caused by trying to publish the book (200 for damage, 300 for the payment of lawyers).

In 2014, the artist and businesswoman publishes her first book. True love "where he talks about his challenges, his fears and the difficulties that he had to face during his family and professional life.Alli did not reveal any names, but stated that in some of her relationships she felt mistreated "without a black eye or a broken lip".

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