Omar Pinzón, gold medal in the back of 100 meters


Colombian swimmer Omar Pinzón made a new appearance in the Games of Central America and the Caribbean at Barranquilla where he took the l '; gold in the 100 meters back and broke the mark that he had established four years ago in Veracruz

Pinzón which dominated the test from the beginning to the end in the middle of the ovation of his compatriots, bathed in gold with a time of 54.88 seconds in order to reduce the record of 55.48 which had established in the previous games.

The silver medal was for the Cubans Armando Barrera with a time of 55.48, while the bronze was awarded to him by the Venezuelan Robinson Molina who finished the test in 55:88.

The Colombian appeared second Isabella Arcila to extend the local series and get their third to the gold medal in Barranquilla, where he also won a medal of 39. ;money.

This time the coffee maker reached, with a time of 55.21, the gilded metal in the 100-meter freestyle test that began to dominate the Bahamas Joanna Evans (55.29), but in the end received the triple champion of Central America with a good auction.

In the 200-meter female butterfly The golden swim was for the Venezuelan Isabella Páez to stop the clock in 2: 11.26 after living a interesting dispute with the Mexicans Diana Luna (2: 11.84) and Maria Jose Mata (2: 12,25), who finished with silver and bronze respectively [19659007] Páez was a hundredth of the same record set by the Mexican Rita Medrano in Mayagüez 2010 with a time of 2: 11.25.

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