ONAT in Guantanamo extreme measures against debtors


In the case of companies, those that have a significant impact are Manuel Tames' Azucarera Guantanamo and the Caimanera Municipal Trade. Photo: Cubadebate

More than 17 million pesos is the debt of natural and legal persons of the National Office of Tax Administration (ONAT) of Guantanamo, a reality that has led the entity to take harsh measures against the violators of this

Alis María Pérez Hernández, communications specialist at ONAT, informed that up to now 159 fines have been applied for the late delivery of the statement under oath (DJ) to the self-employed, as stipulated in Decree 308 of 2012 He explained that the debit of natural persons exceeded ten million four hundred thousand pesos, because of the non-compliance, also, of the special contribution to the La social security for workers, the latter is used to cover benefits for pensioners, patients and other beneficiaries.

He added that to change R the situation, is currently working with the Revolutionary National Police, who has information from the offenders and have the power to keep the vehicle, until they respect the obligation to the treasury. The result of this action was 472 debtors, with more than a million 542 thousand pesos, although only 58 people paid.

In the case of companies, those of considerable incidence are the Guantanamo Sugar Guild of Manuel Tames and Municipal Comercio in Caimanera. The most affected indicators are the profit tax, the contribution to the performance of public investment and the 5% reduction for usufructuaries and landowners for sales.

Pérez Hernández, said that only in extreme cases sued in court for the crime of tax evasion, as reflected in the Criminal Code. In San Antonio del Sur, an offender to the tax law was sentenced to two years and eight months of deprivation of liberty, to correctional work without internment and to the responsibility of compensating the unpaid amount.

It explains that the gross income of the province has increased by more than 57 million pesos, a figure higher than in previous years, the office will not tolerate more violations of the law because it helps to cover constant expenditure of the state budget.

He also acknowledged the timely delivery of the tax by 73 companies of the territory and the 732 culture workers and the Cuban Association of Social Communicators as well as other mixed figures, advances that meet the educational work of the entity and the creation of facilities to pay the privileges.

(From the newspaper) Venceremos)

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