ONAT in Guantanamo extreme measures for deudore


More than 17,000 pesos increase the debt of natural and legal persons with the ONAT of Guantanamo, a reality that has led to take action against offenders.

Alis María Pérez, Specialist In a communication from ONAT, it was reported that up to now, 159 fines have been applied, in case of late affidavit, to self-employed workers, such as stipulates the law.

Pérez explained that the debit of individuals exceeds 10 400 000 pesos to be filled, in addition, with the Special Contribution of Social Security of the workers.

He added that to change the situation, ONAT is working with the National Revolutionary Police, which relies on the information of the transgressors and has the power to keep the vehicle, until the next day. 39 obligation to the treasure

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