Panama to promote Celac-EU summit cooperation for development and investment


In a statement, it was announced that the Vice President and Chancellor, Isabel de Saint Malo de Alvarado, will travel to Brussels on Saturday evening to attend the meeting, where she will discuss this commitment as a country.

who will also participate in the extraordinary meeting of Foreign Ministers of Celac, will reaffirm in these meetings the measures taken by Panama to strengthen its financial and service platform.

The ministerial and extraordinary meetings of Celac and EU, on 16 and 17 July in the Belgian capital, are set up "in spaces intended to exchange good practices and experiences aimed at consolidating multilateralism and strengthening the cooperation, "said the Panamanian Chancery in the statement. that will address the common challenges and ways to implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the official information

In the conclave, which will involve more than 60 foreign ministers from Celac and EU, will have as central theme "Building bridges and strengthening our partnership to face global challenges."

Celac is formed by 33 states of Latin America and the Caribbean and includes Spanish, Portuguese, French, English and Dutch

as part of its program in Brussels, the Panamanian Minister for Foreign Affairs will also meet with several of his counterparts and important businessmen from Belgium, to badyze the mechanisms that allow joint cooperation to continue to position Panama as a gateway. Entering the region and boosting European trade and investment in the country.

in Belgium, Saint Malo de Alvarado will travel to Rome, where he will meet with the authorities of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), to follow the actions of the food security program of Panama and the framework agreement signed this week between Panama and this global body.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs will return to Panama on Friday, June 20th. July, explained the statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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