Panama will present his experience of popular unity in Havana


15 July 2018, 02:50 By Osvaldo Rodríguez Martínez

Panama, 15 July (Prensa Latina) The Panamanians bring to the Forum of Sao Paulo, Havana, the message of strengthening the social organizations of its country against neoliberalism, said Fernando Cebamanos, president of the Broad Front for Democracy (FAD).

Shortly before leaving for Havana, in dialogue with Prensa Latina, the politician talked about the current events of his nation, where the popular sectors are fighting a battle for the elimination of a decree aimed to raise electricity rates, a measure that he qualifies as coming from the neoliberal model put in place.

Since the Forum, the need for the unity of peoples and their organizations, he said, must face, above all differences, this system that leads the human being under the most humiliating conditions of his life, and on this path Panama is advancing. A coordinator of organizations was created more than a year ago, and many of its leaders "could not even see each other and sit together", but today they are united and it is confirmed that it is the method to continue to fight the life of the nation

He gave as an example the current battle to avoid the rise in electricity prices, which will continue until To its definitive repeal and not just the announced suspension, "because they do not capitulate, and we either" The President of the left ADF acknowledged that "there is a depletion of model that was carried out by the Panamanian oligarchy, and none of the political organizations that represent it, ie the party party, solved the most On the contrary, it abounded under its administration, deteriorated social services, in order to promote the free market of health, education and transport However, they significantly affect the living conditions of Panamanians.

"This is an exhausted model, and on the other side there is a new proposal that is the DCP, to be the alternative to this model. We, as ADF politicians, believe that the grbadroots movement must also join this effort to make progress in conquering government and popular organization. "

The recent strike of the largest builders' union in the country, which successfully concluded, with the conquest of labor and wage demands, and forcing the government to retract into the Increase of electricity these days, Cebamanos considers that they are successes of the consciousness of the organization.

"he said and recalled the events occurred at the end of the last century, mainly related to the struggle for sovereignty of the interoceanic cbad and the confrontation with the invasion of the US Army in 1989.

He outlined his hope that "we are close of an awakening of the Panamanian people, able to create a new alternative of government for the people and the intervention of the government with justice for the poor.

At this time the region is in the wake of the movement of popular movements back to power in several countries, the political veteran has blamed the media matrices trying to disqualify these models in the role of the people and affirmed that we are in a rising phase "in the popular struggles".

illustrated with the case of Argentina, where the mbades are in the streets in constant protests by the harmful effect of neoliberal packages, as In Brazil, he stressed, we know that the Former President Luis Ignacio Lula da Silva has the sympathies of the people and wants to avoid his candidacy.

He also recalled that in Colombia, the proposal of Gustavo Petro was supported by eight million voters. He finally referred to the victory of the Mexican Andrés Manuel López Obrador, whom he considered as signs that there is a new cycle of resurgence of progressive governments.

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