Panama with the fastest internet in Latin America, according to the study


According to a study by, an internet service provider in the United Kingdom, Panama is the country where Internet access speed is the highest in Latin America.

In 200 countries around the world, Panama ranks 72nd, being the best rated in Latin America, ignoring the Caribbean, one of the tests was the time to download a movie in high definition (5 Go), with a duration of one hour, 36 minutes and 54 seconds.

Telecommunications operators have improved their infrastructure to provide greater capacity to businesses and residential users, who are increasingly dependent on access to this valuable connectivity resource, said Irvin A. Halman, Chief Executive Officer of the Authority. National Government Innovation (AIG).

The world's highest concentration of fast broadband countries is in Europe, out of 53 countries measured, all but Armenia are among the fastest, ranking Sweden second in the ranking, number one is Singapore from the Asian continent.

The study, which lasted twelve months and ended on May 29, 2018, was conducted for the second year in a row, with more than 163 million broadband speed tests, by M- Lab, an badociation between Open American Institute, Google Open Source Research, PlanetLab of Princeton University and other partners.

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