Paraguayan children are more vulnerable to sexual abuse than girls


July 13, 2018, 10:02 Asunción, July 13 (Prensa Latina) Paraguayan children are more vulnerable to undergoing a form of badual abuse before girls, according to a health research report , commented today The minister of this portfolio, Carlos Morínigo

The Global Survey of School Health, conducted for the first time in the country, aims to provide data on behaviors to risk of students after conducting a survey in 49 schools of 12 departments and capital Asunción

The title emphasized to the press that, although the document examines several aspects, the degree of vulnerability of children to abuse attracts l & # 39; attention.

-It will be presented on Mondays, it is observed that "our children are more exposed than girls to the danger of being badually abused by those who are in their environment."

He said that the survey has its importance in making decisions that impact public policies by providing data on students' risk behaviors on certain health issues.

We must act strongly in the education of children. Harbadment leaves a trauma in them. We need to know our rights and children need to know where adults can go, he said.

Contrary to the position of the National Congress that turned its back on the implementation of bad education, the Minister of Health pleaded However, he stressed that whenever these issues are addressed, the citizens are summoned and do not "build laws between four walls to point to places where they do not have to aim".

The survey contains demographic and identification data, anthropometric information, dietary habits, hygiene, violence and unintentional injuries.

In addition to road safety, personal relationships, alcohol consumption, bad, physical activity, sedentary lifestyle, personal experiences, hypertension, diabetes, community activities, among others.


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