Pasión por Guatemala encourages the delegation to the Central American Games


July 19, 2018, 04:39 Guatemala, July 19 (PL) Flag bearer Thomas Flossbach will wave the blue and white colors of Guatemala at the inauguration of the Central American Games and the Caribbean in Barranquilla, Colombia, which will last until August 3.

Flushing will be accompanied by escort Mario Pacay and tennis player Andrea Weedon as an escort, a promise from the delegation consisting of 428 athletes, including 194 women and 234 men.

] Pacay, proud of Alta Verapaz, will be looking for the records of athletics events in which she will compete, while the 2017 Managua champion will have a new challenge in her athletic career.

To the list of elite figures is added Jorge Vega, one of the best national charts after progressing for the third year in a row at the World Cup Challenge of the International Gymnastics Federation.

The little giant, as we call him in his country, arrives in Barran. keel with gold and silver in the floor tests and jumps to the foal, respectively, at the recent World Cup held in Portugal.

Another name intended to shine is that of the left-handed Kevin Haroldo Cordón, because he just hangs up Maximum prize in the single modality of the International Badminton Tournament in Peru as a prelude to Barranquilla.

If he wins the gold, it will be his eighth medal and the national athlete with the most medals of this color in Central America.

next to Juan Maegli, the greatest representative of sailing, who will participate in his seventh Games, and Manuel Rodas, the fastest cyclist in Guatemala.

But women are not far behind. Swimmer Gisela Morales will seek to expand her legacy: she already has four gold, five silver and three bronze medals in the history of these kinds of events.

Another figure is Elizabeth Zamora, whose dedication and perseverance place her among the favorites. Long distance champion Mirna Ortiz will defend the record of Central America and the Caribbean that she holds

A similar goal encourages the experienced Cheili Carolina González, having demonstrated her validity in high performance at the XXXIII Pan American Championship. Senior, in Santiago de Chile, where he won gold in kumite competition (karate).

In this 23rd edition of the Games, the chapines will compete in 44 of the 47 disciplines considered in the program, the largest since Mayagüez, 2010.

Founder in 1926 of these events with Cuba and Mexico, Guatemala now aspires to shine among the powers of the region in the iconic capital of the Colombian Caribbean and the subsedes of Cali and Bogota

presents a list of 84 gold medals, 162 silver medals and 329 medals bronze, a culture that places him among the top seven places in the count of regional medals.

Ascending or maintaining this place is the pbadion that will encourage Guatemalans in every test.

lmg / mmc

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