Payo Cubas presents a project to repeal the law on autoblindaje


Senator Payo Cubas on Wednesday introduced a bill to repeal the law on intimidation that was promulgated on Tuesday by the executive.

The legislator introduced the bill to Congress President Silvio Ovelar. aims to repeal Law 6038/18, which regulates Article 201 of the National Constitution on the loss of the investiture. Among some of the arguments, it is mentioned that a qualified law must be established for a majority of a quarter of the total members of the respective House of which the legislator is a member, who must lose his nomination is absolutely out of About. [19659003] When the project was sanctioned for the first time, the president vetoed part of the original text that mentions that, for the loss of a legislator's investiture, one has to wait for a sentence final judicial decision, and then go to Congress to be badyzed. However, it was adopted automatically because Senators did not meet enough quorum to deal with it

The regulation establishes that, for the loss of a legislature's investiture, a majority two thirds of the legislators will be required. Senators will need 30 votes (out of 45 members) and MPs will need 53 (out of 80 members), published Last Hour.

They propose to repeal "Loss of Investiture"

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