Peña Nieto and Vázquez inaugurate the XIII Summit of the Pacific Alliance in Puerto Vallarta – Digital Diary Our Country


Puerto Vallarta (Mexico), July 24 (Sputnik) .- Presidents Enrique Peña Nieto of Mexico and Tabaré Vázquez of Uruguay, who occupies the temporary presidency of Mercosur, presented this Tuesday in Puerto Vallarta (in western Mexico) a joint statement and plan of action signed by the members of the South American bloc and the Pacific Alliance holding its XIII summit

L & # 39; Puerto Vallarta agreement aims to facilitate "merchandise trade, promote the internationalization of small and medium-sized businesses, knowledge-based economies, and benefits in terms of gender, academic, cultural and human mobility" , informed the president-president in the company of Uruguayan Vázquez, pro tempore president of Mercosur.

The presidents sign the declaration which marks the first formal agreement between the two blocks in which "Latino identity -american and l & # 39; commitment to the development and progress of the region is confirmed, "said Peña Nieto, who ends his term on 1 December.

The Pacific Alliance is composed of Colombia, Chile, Mexico and Peru, while the Mercosur (Southern Common Market) has as members Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay, with Venezuela suspended and Bolivia in the process of accession.

"Since 2017, the search for cooperative actions between the Pacific Alliance and Mercosur are a clear signal that we are promoting regional integration and free trade together," he said. said Peña Nieto, who badumes the presidency.

The Mexican President held a private meeting with his Chilean counterparts Sebastián Piñera, Juan Manuel Santos of Colombia and Martin Vizcarra of Peru, Michel Temer of Brazil, Vázquez of Uruguay and Deputy Foreign Ministers Daniel Raimondi of Argentina and Federico González of Paraguay

The Pacific Alliance and Mercosur account for 79% of the population, 85% of the gross domestic product, 86% of exports "The ideal integrationist is at heart of international relations in our region, "said the Uruguayan president. the best expression for moving towards a region as beautiful as Latin America in better living conditions for all citizens, "said Vázquez.

The XIIIth Puerto Vallarta Summit was designed to deepen regional integration in the next 12 years, with the 2030 strategic vision of the Alliance, which includes integration with the European Union and Mercosur. (Sputnik)

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