Photo: NASA finds an active volcano on Jupiter's moon


Recently, NASA revealed that the Juno spacecraft had discovered a great heat source very close to the south pole of Io, one of Jupiter's moons.

experts, this could indicate the existence of a volcano that until today was completely unknown.

This new volcano was discovered because the probe detected a heat source using infrared data collected in mid-December 2017, thanks to the JIRAM instrument that Juno has. "The new Io access point that JIRAM has collected is about 300 kilometers from the nearest previously mapped access point," says Alessandro Mura, Juno co-investigator of the National Institute. of Astrophysics in Rome, Italy

where the location of the new Io volcano is shown. (Photo: NASA / JPL-Caltech / SwRI / ASI / INAF / JIRAM)

Up to now, just over 150 active volcanoes have been discovered on the surface of this Jupiter moon, but scientists believe that there are still 250 others. to discover.

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