Pompeo strengthens the intention to improve relations with Mexico in AMLO's government


The government of the elected President of Mexico, Andrés Manuela López Obrador and the President of the United States. Donald Trump has two common goals: economic growth and increased employment in their respective countries

So said Secretary of State Mike Pompeo at a conference after meeting Lopez Obrador, known as AMLO.

The official underlined the importance of Mexico for the economic interests, as well as for the political and security interests of the United States

The relations between the North American countries are in a moment of transition, Since the ties between the two countries have deteriorated significantly under the government of President Trump, who, during his presidential campaign, promised to build a border wall and repeatedly blamed Mexico for the economic and social problems of the United States [19659005]. , which was a turning point in Mexican politics, could help change relationships.

"We know that there were bumps on the road between us, but Trump has the determination to make the relationship between our peoples better and stronger," Pompeo told López Obrador after the weekend. to have congratulated for his victory.

"We could have reasonable optimism that Mexico will find bases of understanding to have a better relationship with the United States," said the future foreign minister, Marcelo Ebrard, during the meeting. a press conference.

Ebrard noted that the meeting was held in a "very good, I would say excellent" environment and said that the document given to the Americans is a "proposal for bases of understanding" on trade, security, development and the migration.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs did not want to give details of the plan until it was reviewed by President Trump, but he added that it includes "major initiatives" in terms of development and that "no one in Mexico should emigrate because of poverty or insecurity". there is a "fruitful dialogue" on security issues.

The state secretary, who after meeting López Obrador visited his counterpart, Luis Videgaray, pointed to the left the value of such a high-profile delegation visiting him.

"He has four of the top leaders here," said Pompeo, who traveled accompanied by White House advisor and son-in-law of President, Jared Kushner, who played a key role in maintaining relations with Mexico , partly because of his close connection with Videgaray-, the Treasury Secretary, Steven Mnuchin, and the Secretary of National Security, Kirstjen Nielsen

"We wanted to come and tell you that President Trump is very interested in the successful relations between our two countries. "

At the meeting, according to Ebrard, some of the most delicate issues were not addressed, such as the border wall or the possibility of reaching an agreement where Central American asylum seekers would seek refuge in Mexico instead of the United States.

Before the meeting with Lopez Obrador, the American delegation was with President Enrique Peña Nieto, who asked Pompeo to accelerate the reunification of separated families at the border and stressed "the need to find a permanent alternative that gives priority to Peña Nieto also expressed concern about events that" fuel a climate of hatred and racism "as has suffered the attack of a Mexican citizen of 92 years in the country. California

In addition to migration, the new imposed tariffs have further exacerbated the already complicated negotiations for the renewal of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and raised fears of a total commercial war. Trump has cataloged the free trade pact, which also includes Canada, as detrimental to Americans.

This question was another of the issues discussed at all Friday meetings and, as explained by the future Mexican Foreign Minister, the Americans accepted that López Obrador's transitional team participate in any new meeting that will take place to date. The renegotiation of NAFTA

After the overwhelming victory of López Obrador, tensions with Washington eased. Both leaders made positive comments after a phone conversation earlier this month and López Obrador changed the campaign's demands for conciliation proposals. The leftist will start governing on December 1 and, for the inauguration, he has already invited President Trump.

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