Presentation Carlos Vives in Isarel: Will Carlos Vives sing in Israel? You live a dilemma | trends


Vallenato representative Carlos Vives made his tour "Vives Tour", in which he planned a presentation in Israel for July 31st. However, Asociación Colombo Árabe, asked the artist not to make his presentation.

The above is due, because the country of the Middle East advance Zurek Morón cultural director of the Association

In addition, Morón adds that this country usually invites internationally recognized artists to create a smokescreen hiding the aberrations that he executes

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Like the Asociación Colombo Árabe, the boycott movement Divestment and Sanctions Against Israel (BDS) reiterates the request and invites the artist to show solidarity with the Palestinian people . created a petition entitled: Carlos Vives: Do not Come to Israel That Rejects the Artist's Show in the Middle East, Already Has About signatures.

Recall that a few months ago the Barranquilla, Shakira canceled his visit to Israel at the request of the BDS.

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