The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro invited everyone to join special activities which, from 19 24 July will take place in Caracas to celebrate the [64] [19459003numberofthebirthday64 of the leader of the Bolivarian Revolution, Hugo Chávez .
"I invite the people to celebrate the life of our eternal commander Hugo Chávez at Cuartel de la Montaña from July 24 to 28. His legacy is present in our ongoing struggle." Chavez is more future than the past and the future. Venezuelan people are more Chavista than ever Chávez Vive! ", is the message shared by the national leader this Saturday on Twitter
To his letter he annexed a microphone in reference to what will be the celebration of the life of the leader revolutionary and captures images of Chavez in different moments of his political work
On the occasion of the new anniversary of the birth of the revolutionary leader, born July 28 in Sabaneta, State of Barinas in 1954, the Comandante Eterno Foundation Hugo Chavez organizes a calendar of activities from 24 to 28 July in the Cuartel de la Montaña 4F, parish 23 of Enero, Caracas, where is the mausoleum where the commander is located
The programming includes lectures, reading circles, symposiums and musical presentations ] For children and adults, as well as the presentation of El Diario del Cadete publication that evokes the pbadage of the leader of the Bolivarian Revolution by the Military Academy of Venezuela
The day 28 the programming will begin with a rocket at 12 o'clock in the morning in tribute to the Commander; then there will be activities for the children, an anecdotal space called Protagonistas of an insurgent historia and finally a Canto de Amor for the Comandante, a presentation that will make you discover different kinds of Latin American music
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