President of Eritrea arrives in Ethiopia for the peace process | news


President Eritrean Isaias Afewerki arrived in Ethiopia on Saturday to materialize the peace process between the two nations.

During Afewerki's stay in the neighboring country, he will meet the Ethiopian Prime Minister, Abiy Ahmed to formalize the process of rapprochement between the two nations after more than 20 years of conflict. [19659002] The chief of staff of the president of Ethiopia Fitsum Arega, wrote on his social network Twitter about the visit of the Eritrean president: "President Afewerki arrives at his second home , Addis Ababa On his arrival he received a warm welcome from his brother Abiy Ahmed, representatives of the public, artists, public figures and members of the government. "

President Afeworki arrives in his other country, Addis Ababa. As he landed, I received a warm welcome from his brother HE Abiy Ahmed, representatives of the public, artists, public figures and members of the government. Welcome to President Isaias home !! #Ethiopia #Erythree

– Fitsum Arega (@fitsumaregaa) July 14, 2018

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Thousands of people showed up at Bole International Airport early in the morning to celebrate this historic meeting, many also filled the streets from Ethiopia Thousands of Ethiopians, young and old, gathered from Bole International Airport to the Presidential Palace by singing, cheering and cheerfully welcoming President Isaias as the procession crosses the border. Africa Avenue surrounded by traditional riders. . # Ethiopia # Eritrea

– Fitsum Arega (@fitsumaregaa) July 14, 2018

HE President Isaias Afworki received at His joy is a surprise gift of a horse, shield and spear – from the Oromia regional president, Lemma Megerssa. A spear and a shield are the most prized possession of a traditional Oromo warrior. #Ethiopia #Eritrea .

– Fitsum Arega (@fitsumaregaa) July 14, 2018

The war between African countries began in the year 1998 ] and remained active until the year 2000 with a balance of about 80 thousand people died .

The peace agreement between these nations was signed last Sunday July 8, 2018 putting an end to the territorial dispute that they maintained.

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