Preventing the acceleration of inflation in the euro area


July 27, 2018, 09:26 Berlin, Jul. 27 (PL) The European Central Bank (ECB) today announced that inflation in the eurozone could occur. accelerate more than originally planned.

A study of this body estimates that a marked estimate for slowly withdrawing the monetary stimulus could have something to do with this possibility.

The ECB, whose goal is inflation of just under two percent, has announced that it remains on track. put an end to its generous badet purchase program this year and start evaluating a rise in interest rates by the end of 2019.

The central bank is confident that A five-year growth spurt It raises prices, but also fears that a global trade war is hurting expansion.

Eurozone inflation stands at 1.7 percent this year.

These data would be higher than the previous projection of 1.5 percent while the rate for next year would also reach 1.7 percent, higher than the 1.6 percent estimated three months ago .

The survey covered 56 badysts, a significant result in the monetary policy deliberations of the ECB.

The figures are also in line with forecasts from the ECB 's economic team, which expects inflation to remain at 1.7% by 2020.

mem / rfc

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