Provides clean energy the largest solar photovoltaic park in Las Tunas


  Provides clean energy to the largest solar photovoltaic park in Las Tunas By: Adalys Ray Haynes. From

Puerto Padre.- After connecting to the National Electric Power System, the Parada 2 solar photovoltaic power plant maintains a stable operation with a generation very close to its capacity of 4.4 megawatts (MW). [19659004] The site near the northern city of Puerto Padre is the third to be completed in the province, but the one with the largest capacity.

Up to now, it is in test period confirmed by Tiempo21 Omilton Rodríguez Rivas, Director of Investments of Empresa Eléctrica en las Tunas

The Director also badured that the installed Chinese technology ensures the efficiency of its 17,600 panels with a considerable saving of fossil fuel.

"Initially, we reached a power of 3.9 MW, very close to its capacity, and it is expected that in the next hours the work of adjustment will be completed and the benefits for the future. economy will increase and the population of Puertopadrense, which already receives energy directly from the park ", confirms Rodríguez Rivas

When Parada 2 will complete its testing phase, the province of Las Tunas will have a total of 6.6 MW clean energy, at the same time, thousands of tons of carbon dioxide will be released into the atmosphere.

The territory's electricity company will also put an end to an investment of more than five million pesos, which used the technique of the Arid Lands of the North Tunera Zone

Due to the importance from investment, the highest authorities of the Communist Party of Cuba and the Government of Las Tunas have recently visited the premises, and they also verified the vitality of neighboring facilities. Stop 1, already in full activity, like the one built at the entrance of the municipality of Manatí, both of 2, 2 MW

In the medium and long term, in the province will be developed or Three projects for the # 39 installation of two powerful wind farms in the municipality of Jesús Menéndez, the largest of those that have materialized to date in the country.

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