Putin announces changes in Russia's foreign policy



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Russian foreign policy should be oriented more towards the economic zone because growing protectionism What is observed in the world, said the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, in the traditional meeting with ambbadadors and permanent representatives of the Eurasian country in international organizations.

According to the president, the principle of competition and openness in world trade is replaced by protectionism, while the economic benefits are relegated to the ideological conjuncture and political pressure. Economic ties and entrepreneurial freedom are politicized

"What we do in the field of foreign policy, we do not do it to reach abstract greatness or create problems for others." The essential is to provide the conditions for development The country's sustainable development, "Putin stressed

He also claimed that Russia should not only be one of the five largest economies of the country. world, but also significantly improve the quality of life standards of its citizens.
"And for this, it is necessary to take full advantage of the opportunities that foreign policy offers.It is important to explore new markets, develop exports, access advanced technologies and investments, overcome obstacles. and restrictions on the work of domestic firms, "Putin said.

Commenting on the remarks of the head of state, the president of the Institute of Strategic Assessments of Russia, Alexander Konovalov, told Nezavisimaya Gazeta that this issue is particularly important now that Russia is under sanctions and that in the West, they do not want to eliminate them. "At the same time, we must make a clear decision about our economic priorities: what to do first and where we can not undertake many projects at the same time, otherwise we will destroy our economy," warned the expert [19659009] (function (d, s, id) {
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