Queretaro will again be the capital of jazz


by: Notimex – July 4, 2018, 14:29 pm

Querétaro, (Notimex) .- At least 300 artists from Cuba, United States, from Argentina, Israel, France and Mexico, which will surpbad those of last year, will participate in the eighth edition of the International Jazz Summer Festival, which will take place from July 10 to 15 in this year. city.

At a press conference, Paulina Aguado Romero, secretary of the local culture, pointed out that Queretaro will once again become the capital of jazz and will be enriched by the participation of this number of artists, among other activities .

In addition to the concerts, the program is composed of a series of films, in coordination with DOCUMENTA and the French Alliance, and an academic series that includes master clbades and lectures with eminent personalities from the kind.

"A total of 62 activities will be realized: 33 concerts, a didactic concert, seven master clbades, 15 screenings and six presentations in the municipalities of Colón, San Juan del Río, Jalpan de Serra, Corregidora, San Joaquin, Pedro Escobedo and Amealco, "explained the official.

There will be 19 free venues frame of the eighth edition of the meeting, including Plaza de Armas, Plaza Fundadores , the Teatro de la República and the Auditorium of the Querétaro Arts Center (CEART).

The program can be viewed on the official page of the state's Ministry of Culture, as well as the official networks Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.


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