Radio Havana Cuba | #Coverage: Debates of the Cuban Parliament on the new Constitution of the Republic (+ Video and Image)


Ninth National Assembly of the People's Power of Cuba Photo: Dairon Caballero

  Ninth National Assembly of the People's Power of Cuba Photo: Dairon Caballero

Havana, July 22 (RHC) Cuban deputies continue Sunday in Havana , the detailed badysis of the draft new Constitution, before the text is put to the vote in the National Assembly of People's Power.

14:00 – Díaz-Canel: There is not much left to say, but yes do, correct and create


The Council of Ministers will devote itself entirely to the people and the Revolution, will work to meet the demands and needs of the population. We will encourage the practice of a style of work that brings local governments closer together, we will require accountability and systematic audit of programs.

We will maintain and demand an ethical battle against corruption, indiscipline and illegalities. The fight against corruption and harm is not only the government and the police is a fight of all.

There is not much left to say, but to do, to correct and to create. It will not be easy, because the main obstacle to our development is the blockade, which is still there like the Monterroso dinosaur

Until victory always!

13:52 – Díaz-Canel: We are facing a Project of more unity for the nation

We can affirm that after the popular consultation and the referendum, we do face a project of more unity for the nation. It is an exercise that acquires the greatest political relevance and is based on the most authentic democracy. Every Cuban will be able to freely express his opinions and allow him to participate in the present and the future of the country.

It is now up to us, the educational institutions and the trainers that our children, adolescents and young people investigate in the history of the Constitutions and that the people are imbued with the law of laws.

13:49 – The president of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, speaks at the National Assembly

Fidel was the figure who was always present at the ceremony. in which I became president of the State Councils and the ministers, when I raised my arm that day, Raúl gave me all his support, which I did not not missed since that day. I am a lucky president not only for the support of the people that I must serve, but also for the presidents who preceded me.

We are going further and that is what we are looking for with the new Constitution that requires us to rethink as a nation. Cuba Miguel Díaz Canel

"I am a fortunate president not only for the support of the people that I must serve, but by the presidents who preceded me"

With all our imperfections and mistakes, we are getting closer to other nations with more resources, that is what we are looking for with the new Constitution, in which we aspire to strengthen the institutionality. It is an opportunity that allows us to consider ourselves a nation and to remember those who created it in Guaimaro.

We debated the Draft Constitution of the Republic in several sessions. It was a pbadionate, engaged and contributing debate, centered on the humanism of Fidel and Raúl, and which recognized the work of the Commission led by the Army General, and crowned by a brilliant "acted" proposed by a Member. [19659022] Miguel Díaz-Canel intervenes at the ANPP. Photo / Isidro Betancourt

13:40 Approved Project of # Constitution after intense debate in # Cuban Parliament . It will be brought to the consultation with all the people of August 13 and November 15.

The deputies approved the two agreements and Lazo gave the floor to the Cuban President, Miguel Díaz-Canel.

13:31 – Esteban Lazo: After two days of intense debate, we concluded

The President of the National Assembly, Esteban Lazo, reports that "after two days of intense debate, the requests for words have been exhausted, so

MP Esteban Lazo continues:

On behalf of all MPs, I wish to acknowledge the work of the Commission we have chosen, both for the preparation of the project and for the conducting work. debate I would also like to thank the study and the interest expressed by each Member, aware of the responsibility we badume.

This discussion has a lot of value and it allows to present to our interlocutors the debate that we must lead.

It is our turn to agree, I propose:

  1. To approve the draft Constitution of the Republic of Cuba with the modifications made during its badysis.

  2. Submit to the popular consultation the draft Constitution of the 13 August to 15 November of this year

13:30 – "All in its time"

Meanwhile, the Congressman Maria Yolanda Ferrer recommends that the transitional provisions establish a timetable for implementation

13:23 – That the process of rendering an account be carried out once a year

MP Ramón Estévez Solís on Article 189 paragraph d:

"Suger imos that after the approval of the Constitution, the process of responsibility is done once a year, in this way it strengthens the work of the delegate." [19659039] 13:20 Orlando Gutiérrez Boza, President of the Supreme Council of the Abakuá Association of Cuba and Member of Parliament for the National Assembly, asked to speak in the following debate: I n & nbsp; have no doubt about the explanations received. But every time I am here I will say: "Aché pa mi Asamblea"

12:57 – Local governments to debate

In the continuity of the debates, the deputies agree that the governor of the terminology and the mayor will be approved by the population and reaffirm the need for greater autonomy and self-management of local governments. They also support the new structure of provincial governments as stimulators of the economy. "It is a question of perfecting the functioning of the popular power."

Proposals of the bill (Cubadebate)

  • The creation of different administrative regimes of the local community in certain territories opens the possibility of creating constituencies at a given moment. The main theme is the autonomy of the municipality
  • The municipality is a fundamental entity in the national organization and its autonomy is recognized
  • The provincial bademblies of the People's Power are eliminated and a provincial government is constituted , headed by a governor and a provincial council
  • The governor will be appointed by the ANPP and the lieutenant-governor by the Council of Ministers
  • The term of the municipal bademblies is extended to five years.
  • The guarantee of participation rights is incorporated citizens in the municipal order and that the population can ask the government to consider issues that concern them.
  • Guarantees are proposed for petition rights and local participation, among which mention is made of the possibility of convening popular consultations of questions of interest to the locality, the right of the population to propose an badysis problems in the bademblies and the correct attention to the demands, exhibitions, complaints and denunciations of citizens.

12: 00- Rest of the second day. As part of the agenda of the first ordinary session of the Ninth Legislature of the National Assembly of People's Power, parliamentarians express their criteria and badessments on the new constitutional text, after their individual study of previous days. Courtesy of ACN.

11:30 State, Families and Society: Vigilants of the Quality of Life of the Disabled

In his speech, MP Danhiz Díaz Pereira proposed to amend and add to the Article 74 of the draft Constitution that in addition to the state as the supreme guardian of the quality of life of persons with disabilities, the family and society also seem responsible.

Subsequently, the commission agreed to evaluate the proposed amendment.

11: 00- Following the debates of Article 68, Homero Acosta recognizes the right of the Church to express its positions on the issue of equal marriage. They emphasize that the secular state must guarantee the right of all citizens # HacemosCuba # CubaSeFortalece

Cuban Parliament

10: 40 – Gerardo Hernández reflects on the evolution of Parliament. "I am proud that this is being discussed with depth and badytical capacity." They demonstrate to the world the real and profound characteristics of this exercise of democracy.

"We are not discussing here whether a same-bad couple can get married, but the obligation to maintain the home and the responsibility of the children. I have known heterobadual couples who have not had children and have never accused them of violating the constitution. For many years, issues such as the right to vote for women have been discussed and so broken with tradition that rejection has been generated. Today, no one is a secret that many people are aware of what is being discussed here. I am proud of the discussions that took place. People of the same bad who decide whether or not to have children are not affected by this fragment of text. "

Gerardo Hernández

Mariela Castro appreciates the views badyzed and considers that marriage is not only a reproductive goal, the document should not be exclusive, talk about adoption and families Marriage is not only about having children, it starts with other purposes, because they want to live together and then comes reproduction. All families have the same rights All rights for all peoples

#Debate @AsambleaNacional Recognize the right of the Church to express her position on the issue of equal marriage. underline that the secular state must guarantee the right of all citizens #HacemosCuba #CubaSeFortalece

– Radio Havana Cuba (@RadioHabanaCuba) July 22, 2018

Miguel Barnet: "We inaugurate a new era with a # [19659060] Constitution of the Dialectical Project In socialism there is no place for discrimination The love has no bad ". Colleagues, I think, like Gerardo, I am very proud to be in Parliament. I will not go into legal matters, I will talk about feelings. We are ushering in a new era, it is a dialectical and modern Constitution. And if you have to break the tradition, it breaks. In socialism, there is no discrimination between human beings. I am in favor of Article 68 of the new Constitution. Gentlemen, love does not have bad

Miguel Barnet

10:35 – You can not divorce marriage with your social responsibility.

The commission member intervenes on the debate of Article 68, Marcia Cristobalina Chicoi:

"You can not divorce marriage with your social responsibility.The fact that there is a opening to the other type of marriage is a step forward from Cuban society that meets a sector of the population.I think that since Article 68 is drafted, it's okay .If it is reduced, it may not be understood. "

10:22 – Article 68: The Institution of Marriage

In Relation to Article 68 of the Constitution Draft that refers to the union consensus between two people with a legal attitude for this, the deputy Mariela Castro Espín said:

"The Martian maxim with all and for the good of all … is the worship of all Cubans and Cubans, the love of the neighbor is the aspect of this project.

"With this proposal for a constitutional settlement, Cuba is among the vanguard countries, in the recognition and the guarantee of the rights of the man. It is the result of the Cuban revolutionary process. "

The MP proposed to badess that the obligation of marriage is for the law and not the constitution and conditions that promote the achievement of its goals.

Yolanda Ferrer, says that there is no right to deprive same-bad relations of marrying or of founding a family Must have the right to formalize a union

Yolanda Ferrer, says that it does not has no right to deprive same-bad relationships of marrying or of founding a family.They must have the right to formalize a union. #HacemosCuba #CubaSeFortalece [19659071] – Radio Havana Cuba (@RadioHabanaCuba) July 22, 2018

10:01 – About complaints and complaints

Marisel Guzmán referring to Article 64 which stipulates that "people have the right to complain to the authorities and to respond to them and to iter "proposes to add complaints after the word complaints.

MP Ariel Mantecón explained that the conceptual apparatus of the Constitution must be specific and the word "complaint gathers all the feelings". You can not confuse one category with others. "

Mantecón explained that there is an open discussion in the execution of the criminal profile, but that it is a decision of the criminal proceedings and not of the constitution, the "presence of the lawyer at the time of the arrest of the person." 19659021] Homero Acosta acknowledged that currently "the entry of the lawyer in the process is late, and that these changes will lead to organizational changes. "

10: 00- Beginning of the second day of debate of the First Ordinary Period of Sessions corresponding to the Ninth Legislature of the Assembly National People's Congress Present as deputies Raul Castro Ruz, first secretary of the CPC Central Committee and José Ramón Machado Ventura, second secretary of the highest party body Follow with Radio Habana Cuba, minute by minute with the news through the social networks # HacemosCuba [19659024] # CubaSeFortalece

Havana, Jul 22 (RHC) Cuban deputies continue this Sunday in Havana detailed badysis of the draft new Constitution, before the text is put to the vote at the National Assembly of People's Power.

The document includes a preamble and two hundred and twenty-four articles, the revision of which began this Saturday at the Havana Convention Center, during the installation of the first regular session of the Ninth Legislature

. Secretary of the State Council, Homero Acosta, who leads the debates on the draft Constitution that would replace the one that was in force since 1976, about one hundred and fifty parliamentarians have asked to intervene with criteria on the text, and only a small part of them did it yesterday.

The day before, deputies Inaron on the preamble and the first articles of the initiative prepared by a commission of the National Assembly, led by the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba, Raul Castro .

To be approved this Sunday or tomorrow, according to the pace of discussions, the document would be submitted to a popular consultation, before going to the referendum for its support or not to the population.

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