Radio Havana Cuba | Cuba: Congress welcomes progress on rights in a constitutional project


Cuba: Praises the MP's Progress on Rights in a Constitutional Project

Illustrative image. (Photo / File)

  Illustrative picture. (Photo / Sheet)

Havana, June 22 (RHC) MP Mariela Castro hailed the progress of the Cuban Constitution Project on Guarantees of Human Rights, with the inclusion of the Conjugal union of two persons regardless of their

S Addressing reporters as part of the recent session of Parliament, the director of the National Center for Sex Education has set the article on this topic as a tremendous revolutionary achievement and expressed the hope that popular consultation, the majority of the population is able to understand the measure taken in the matter of citizen prerogatives.

From the technical point of view, the Cuban legislator proposed the separation of the rights that are granted in marriage and the responsibilities that are badumed with care and attention to the children.

Considered, however, that the step in the legal recognition of all couples, including those of the same bad, constitute a marvelous advance, and in this sense have baderted that the population will bring later elements when popular consultation.

Published by Maite González Martínez

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