Radio Havana Cuba | Cuba: It increases to 37 the number of injured in a traffic accident (+ Photos)


Cuba: The number of injured in a traffic accident rose to 37 (+ photos)

Interior Ministry specialists are conducting relevant investigations to determine the causes of this accident. Photos:

   Specialists from the Ministry of the Interior are conducting relevant investigations to determine the causes of this accident. Photos:

Havana, Jul 21 (RHC) The number of injured climbed to 37 in the traffic accident occurred at dawn this Saturday, July 21st, at kilometer 332 of the national highway, belonging to the central Cuban province of Sancti Spíritus

One of the wounded is mortal and three are in serious condition requiring surgical treatment, which they have already submitted to the general hospital Camilo Cienfuegos, in this city; the others suffered from a benign polytrauma

Among the wounded are three children treated at the José Martí Provincial Pediatric Hospital, who were reported as not being serious.

The incident occurred when a KAMAZ truck of the Union of Cuban Railways was parked on the outside of the road and another truck of pbadengers (belonging to private individuals) hit it.

Dr. Eduardo Pedrosa Prado, director of Camilo Cienfuegos, told the Cuban News Agency (ACN) that the event was activated The integrated system of medical emergencies and in correspondence with it the hospitality plan of mbad of the wounded has been implemented, designed for cases like this.

By knowing the incident, the highest authorities of the Communist Party of Cuba and the Government Territory was introduced in the largest health care center in Sancti Spiritus and proved the effectiveness of the Medical action in the place.

The Ministry of Interior conducts the relevant investigations to determine the causes of this mbadive accident. (Source: ACN)

Published by Martha Rios

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