Radio Havana Cuba | Cuba: new regulations to reorganize transport


Cuba: New regulations to reorganize transport

The price of fuel will be differentiated for private carriers. Photo: Archivo

  The price of fuel will be differentiated for private carriers. Photo: Archivo

Havana, July 10 (RHC) Marta Oramas, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Transport in Cuba, informed on July 10 in Havana the new regulations, experimentally, which aim to reorganize the activity in accordance with resolution No. 175/2018, published in the Extraordinary Official Gazette No. 35.

This resolution will come into force within 90 calendar days, a trial to be held in the Cuban capital, for later generalization in the rest of the country.

"Among the regulations is the connection of the private carriers of the capital to the piqueras established by the Council of the Provincial Administration (CAP)", explained the official.

He commented that the test includes the provision of services in taxi terms and will initially cover those who work in cars, jeeps, signs and minibuses from one place to another. capacity from 4 to 14 people.

"Four months after The implementation of the experiment will be extended to other private carriers in Havana and in the provinces of Artemisa and Mayabeque, also in the west "said Oramas.

The resolution establishes that those who opt for this modality have the right to the badigned route, without the need to stay at the entrance, as well as to acquire fuel through a magnetic card issued by FINCIMEX SA

In response to a request from self-employed persons, the price of fuel for the exercise of this modality will be differentiated: 2 CUP diesel, 10 CUP petrol, 13 CUP ordinary petrol and petrol special to 16 CUP (Source: ACN)

Published by Martha Rios

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