Radio Havana Cuba | Cuba: The Villa Clara sugar company diversifies its production


Cuba: Villa Clara sugar company diversifies production

Products obtained from sugar and honey show positive indicators. Photos: File

  Products obtained from sugar and honey show positive indicators. Photos: Archive

Havana, July 19 (RHC) Specialist Félix Hernández Blanco, from the sugar company of Villa Clara, central Cuba, said on July 19 that the promotion of the production of by-products, among them, refining sugar, is a priority for the territory, committed to import substitution and the increase of exportable funds.

The expert explained to the Cuban news agency that despite the complexity of this year, considering the weather conditions harvested the crop, the products obtained from sugar and honey show positive indicators .

"With about 1728 tons of fructose syrup, until the end of June, the factory Chiquitico Fabregat, of Remedios, is one of the industries highlighted in the derived productions , with significant contributions in the manufacture of high-energy syrups for marketing on the territory by entities like LABIOFAM and Bebidas y Refrescos, "commented Hernández Blanco

. Producer of 50% of the country's refined sugar through the presence of three refineries, the largest of which is located in the industry of George Washington, in the municipality of Santo Domingo.

Villa Clara is the only one of its kind. one of the leading provinces in the production of sugar derivatives in Cuba.It owns five honey plants, urea bagacillo, two urea honey, two ice plants and a multi-nutritional block plant for l & rsquo; ; nourishme animal ion. (Source: ACN)

Published by Martha Rios

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