Radio Havana Cuba | Cuban city celebrates 10 years as a cultural heritage of humanity


The Cuban City Celebrates 10 Years as Cultural Heritage of Humanity

Historic Center of Camagüey. Photos: Archives

  Historic Center of Camagüey. Photos: Archives

Havana, July 10 (RHC) The tenth anniversary of the inclusion of the Historic Center of Camagüey as Cultural Heritage of Humanity is celebrated on July 10 by the inhabitants of this city in the east of Cuba.

José Rodríguez, director of the Office of the Historian of the City of Camagüey (OHCC) informed that the institution adjusts a special program to promote the values ​​and cultural projects in this locality, which is developing among the main tourist destinations in the country.

As part of the "My City, the City I Live" campaign, the OHCC inaugurated a new space for the sale of El Lugareño books, publications that promote and disseminate the values ​​of regional culture and other Cuban sites with the same distinction, "said the director.

About the 10 years of the Declaration of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. culture (Unesco) Rodriguez said that "it is intended to provide the visitor with an infrastructure that allows him to know the architectural and urban interiors of the city." (Source: PL)

Published by Martha Rios

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