Radio Havana Cuba | Debate at the International Congress on Drought Disasters


Debate on drought-related problems at the International Disaster Congress

Havana International Disaster Conference "For a safer world". Foto / PL

  International Conference on Disaster in Havana

Havana, July 4 (RHC) The Tenth International Disaster Conference continues in Havana on Wednesday, where experts will focus the debate on reduction measures the risks of drought and how to fight it.

Meeting participants will also discuss information and outreach in disaster situations, and develop strategies to improve water quality and educate new generations to take care of precious things. liquid.

In previous sessions, Cuba presented to the Dominican Republic and Saint Lucia a set of solutions for a rapid alert system in the context of South-South cooperation, which will contribute to a better response. natural phenomena.

Laura Melo, representative of the World Food Program in Cuba, praised the Caribbean nation's political will to mitigate and cope with disasters.

He described, in this sense, our country as an example of public policy project development aimed at reducing the negative impact of meteorological phenomena, which, according to him, become more and more extreme and frequent. (Source: PL)

Edited by Saily Pérez Gordillo

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