Radio Havana Cuba | Despite the risks of survivors of the air tragedy in Cuba evolves


Despite the risks of aerial tragedy in Cuba evolciona.Foto: PL

  Despite the surviving risks of aerial tragedy in Cuba evolciona.Foto: PL

Havana, July 5 (RHC) The only survivor of the An air accident that occurred last May in Havana, Mailén Díaz, is evolving stably with a favorable response to therapeutic actions, although it has been reported in critical condition.

According to a report from the director of the General Hospital Calixto García Carlos Alberto Martínez, the variation in its evolutionary state is due to the fact that in the last 72 hours it has been adjusted to the mechanical fan because of the effects on the Gas exchange at the pulmonary level.

He explained that the young woman responded favorably to intensive surgical intervention in her lower left extremity, the repercussion of these injuries in the functioning of her vital systems, basically breathing. 9004] He explained that after 45 days of intensive care, he achieved a gain in response to treatment and breathed spontaneously, with proper functioning of his respiratory system and bioparameters within normal limits.

Martínez added that the patient, born in the eastern province of Holguín, shows gains in the stability and functioning of his body, which has reduced the dose of drugs to support cardiovascular function.

He added that he remains in a good state of consciousness, in active interaction with the patient. medium and is related to the parents and the team of professionals in charge of their care, while continuing to improve the integration of the cognitive and affective sphere, as well as the processes of synthesis.

Although it indicates the permanence of potential risk by the appearance of typical complications of this stage of its evolution for which its prognosis is reserved.

The medical team tra low maintenance of metabolic control, internal environment, water balance and electrolyte; He continues to feed through the digestive tract and feeds on intravenous nutrients, he says.

In addition to Diaz, two women survived the tragedy on May 18, but died of serious injuries. after several days of multidisciplinary medical care

The Boeing 737-200, rented by Cubana de Aviación to the Mexican company Damojh, rushed to the ground with 113 people on board a few minutes after leaving for the province from Holguín. (Source: PL)

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