Radio Havana Cuba | Enjoy Gibara, an event premiered at the Film Festival


Savor Gibara, an event that was premiered at the Festival

  Photo: TripAdvisor

Gibara, Jul 5 (RHC) The culinary arts event "Saborear Gibara", which has been inserted for the first time at the Gibara Cine International Festival will have, this Thursday, its only day of the Culinary Association of this coastal municipality of Holguín province.

Evelina Cardet, organizer of space, told the press that her greatest aspiration is to encourage residents and visitors to authentically collect Gibarian recipes in an effort to integrate the knowledge and procedures that make up the local contribution to Cuban cuisine.

He said that during the day there will be lectures, book presentations and film tastings, which through the projection of audiovisual products explain the importance and value of tasting the food.

The distinction of the gibareña food given in the color, the smell and the flavor improves the different dishes prepared mainly with products of the sea such as crab, cigua, octopus and crab.

From this cultural complicity comes the idea of ​​including this event dedicated to one of Gibara's identity identities and to demonstrate the plurality of the festival whose greatness lies in the union of different artistic manifestations.

The event will end with a dinner titled "Delicias de la cocina gibareña", sponsored by the Habana Club firm in La Cueva Taina restaurant, one of the most emblematic of the city. (Source: ACN )

Published by María Candela

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