Radio Havana Cuba | Hugo Chávez: The Eternal Commander born in Sabaneta


By: Enrique Ojito

July 28 marks the 64th anniversary of the birth of Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías, whom Fidel described as Cuba's best friend

. He never gave up on being born in Sabaneta, Barinas State, in the belly of the Venezuelan plain, July 28, 1954. On the contrary. In the dusty streets of the city, Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías searched and sold the sweet bomb that he prepared with his grandmother Mama Rosa, as he confided to Ignacio Ramonet:

" I even participated in the whole process.I looked for the milky ones, I threw them out of the tree, we peeled them, we removed the seeds, we removed the shell ( …) She cut the milk, we cut it into slices, into strips, and on a wooden tray, we put them to dry, the next day very early, my grandmother was preparing a pot of Water and sugar, everything was thrown in, until it boiled, so she took them out with a fork, and on a wooden table she put piles and piles of these strips that remained like spiders, then "

And then the boy came out on the road with the proclamation, full of humor:" Hot spiders for old women who did not p teeth, tasty spiders, for girls of good luck. "

It was precisely his Indian grandmother Rosa Inés Chávez who taught him the first letters." Joaquina Frías, Hugo Rafael's aunt, told Cuban colleagues that the first day of clbades at the University of California included As a child, at Julian Pino School Group, they did not let him in because he had no shoes.He had some old alpargatitas, the only ones he had. -mother cried because they did not have enough money to buy her shoes, "says Joaquina.

The man who changed the recent history of Venezuela was born humbly, snuggled by the anecdotes of the federal war that his grandmother Rosa Ines. This man, fond of baseball and painting, became a military academy and, in December 1982, he went with other officers to the tree Saman de Güere, in Aragua, where Simón Bolívar and his soldiers encamped during the campaign. Admirable in 1813. Under this mythical place, Chávez subscribes to his fate:

"I swear by the god of my parents, I swear by my homeland, I swear by my honor that I will not give tranquility to my soul you breezes the chains that oppress my people by the will of the powerful People's election, free lands and men, horror of the oligarchy. "The Bolivarian Army 200 would be born, later transformed into the Bolivarian movement 200. [19659002] There was no rest for Chavez, who had history as a best counselor. He read and reread Bolivar, Martí, Fidel. After these readings, the country is even worse. Anger and outrage badailed him when the army mbadacred thousands of Venezuelans during the Caracazo in 1989.

His scholars argue that when he was charged with commanding the parachute brigade Colonel Antonio Nicolás Briceño, in Maracay, in 1991 secretes the Transitional Government Project and the Simón Bolívar National Project, a platform that described his leadership among Bolivian officials.

It was urgent to move from written action to armed action. The rebellion of 4 February 1992 marked a turning point in the life of Lieutenant-Colonel Hugo Chavez, then a lieutenant, who led an uprising of more than 2,300 young soldiers, also detested by the neoliberal economic measures of the International Monetary Fund, implemented by President Carlos Andrés Pérez

With a red beret, in front of the television cameras, he acknowledged the defeat and thanked the soldiers of the Parachute Regiment of Aragua and the Armored Brigade of Valencia: "Unfortunately, for the The objectives that we have set ourselves have not been achieved in the capital (…) We, here in Caracas, we can not control the power.You did it very well there But now is the time to think and new situations will come and the country will have to move towards a better destination. "

The prison would come. The growing popularity of Hugo Rafael was like a snowball. In March 1994, President Rafael Caldera rejected the case that kept him in detention for Chavez and other participants in the uprising.

This visit to Cuba in December of the same year would also take place. At the foot of the scale of the plane, Fidel was waiting for him, who would receive him with the honors of the head of state. "This embrace of Havana was a seal forever," said Chávez later. And I'm proud to see him here, giant, young, as young as when I saw him for the first time in a photo that my grandmother showed me in Sabaneta: "A Fidel Tal" .

Return to Venezuela the four cardinal points of the country between 1995 and 1997 to explain its political project: to refound the Republic on the basis of the convocation of a National Constituent Assembly. As a result, during this last year, the V Republic Movement is registered on the electoral register. At the head of this group, supported by others, all organized in the Patriotic Pole, won the presidential elections of 1998.

Since then, Venezuela would be a different country on the world map, even after Chávez's death on March 5, 2013. Llanero de Sabaneta has not only attracted another nation in dreams; Cuban physicists come and go, by boat or canoe, Cuban doctors to carry the medicines that heal the wounds of the basin of the Orinoco.

Body and soul to thousands of Aboriginal people. Through the Andes, the island masters got up and went to illuminate the paths of life for Venezuelans. In Falcón, Anzóategui and Apure, thousands of erected houses announce other times.

But the same Bolivarian commander has always warned of storms facing a real revolution. Therefore, the president who was born kissed by the plain of Barinas remains there attentive, in the Cuartel de la Montaña, just in case.


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