Radio Havana Cuba | Miguel Díaz-Canel attends the plenary session of the IX FEU Congress (+ Photos)


  Foto / Dairon Caballero

Havana, July 8 (RHC) Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez attends Sunday at the plenary session of the IX Congress of the Federation of University Students (FEU). capital of the Palace of Convenciones

The Cuban President was accompanied by the second secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba, José Ramón Machado Ventura, during this last day of the great event; the member of the Secretariat and Head of the Department of Education, Sports and Science of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba, Olga Lidia Tapia Iglesias; the Minister of Education, Ena Elsa Velázquez Cobiella; Higher Education, José Ramón Saborido; the first secretary of the UJC, Susely Morfa González and the president of the FEU, Raúl Alejandro Palmero

The president of the Ministry of Culture, Abel Prieto Jiménez, the second secretary of the UJC, Ronald Hidalgo , are also in the chair. , the President of INDER, Antonio Becalli, the Vice President of the State Council and Comptroller General of the Republic, Gladis Bejerano, as well as other officials and authorities of the nation.

At this last meeting, the regulations of the 5 working committees, established to discuss and discuss the organic functioning of the FEU, politico-ideological work, teaching and research, university extension and Communication.

Foto / Dairon Caballero / RHC

In this regard, the President of the FEU Raúl Alejandro Palmero gave a speech in which he reflected on the challenges and commitments of the new generation of Cubans in terms of the great responsibility to be a historical continuity of revolutionary work, one of the many ways not to defraud Fidel's trust towards young people.

The student leader insisted on continuing to strengthen the work from the ground up in more than 5,000 fire brigades in the various provinces of the country.

Palmero reaffirmed the belief of youth to be a protagonist in the ongoing transformations in Cuba. It was thus that the debate and the approval of the Central Report of the IX FEU Congress began

The President of the FEU Raúl Alejandro Palmero during his speech. Photo / Dairon Caballero / RHC

In the midst of the exchange, the university student leader took the opportunity to point out that the 400 delegates present are activists from the university. UJC, another reason for pride in this Congress.

800 young people in the nation joined the controller's duties and more than 7,000 members of the FEU were collaborators in the Cuban electoral process.

During the plenary session of the IX University Congress, Palmero with the delegates also evoked the memorial of Fidel, eternal young rebel, when he said that the organization was imbued with Fidel's spirit for to be agents of transformation and positive changes in society.

Up to now, more than 10 delegates from different delegates have participated in the country's debates, in several cycles of intervention on topics such as the concern to preserve identity, values cultural heritage and our history among young people, an idea championed by Susanne Santiesteban Puerta, a first-year medical student in the eastern province of Granma.

Photo / Dairon Caballero / RHC

The delegate of Granma pointed out that there is a strong cultural war, through symbols, to manipulate an area like ideology.

She also recognized the pride of being a Cuban young woman and is aware of the commitment and loyalty of the new generations with Fidel's legacy.

Delegates present at the session, Danis Díaz Pereira, 4th year student of Inudstrial Engineering and President of the University Federation of Students at CUJAE, Technological University of Havana José Antonio Echeverría, urged young people to cope with obstacles that threaten the integral formation of students.

In his speech, the young delegate recognized the will and desire of the members of the FEU once again for the present and the future of Cuba. And in this sense, we must continue to work.

Mirthia Julia Brossard Oris, a student in Intentional Relations, denounced the commercialization of education that occurs as an international phenomenon in other countries. He stressed the privilege of Cuban youth to have a Congress, not having to be on the street to demand the fulfillment of their rights because in our country they are respected and esteemed.

In this first session of the closing day of the 9th FEU Congress, participants agreed that Cuban youths "are not relays, they are continuity." They also thanked the country's leaders for their support in this process of Congress, which is a real demonstration of democracy, unity and strength.

Now that they are on vacation, the official closing of the event will take place. Follow with Radio Habana Cuba, minute by minute with the 9th FEU Congress, an event that helps to build the future from the present

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