Radio Havana Cuba | More than 1,700 graduate students this year at the University of Havana


Ania Terrero, Most Outstanding Integral Diploma

  Ania Terrero, Most Outstanding Integral Laureate

Havana, Jul 6 (RHC) The Central Graduation Act of the University of Havana (UH) corresponding to the 2017-2018 teaching period was held at Aula Magna's House of Studies, which is celebrating its 290th anniversary this year.

In the presence of Ramón Saborido Loidi, the Minister of Higher Education, Rector Gustavo Cobreiro Suárez, said that in this on the occasion, 1,769 professionals in the natural and exact sciences, social sciences , humanities and engineering graduates, who will help build the future of the country, says ACN

. for the first time by a Cuban university in 2016, as well as with a greater number of accredited undergraduate and postgraduate programs with this requirement, and progress in scientific work.

Academic positioning has been achieved internationally, which is expressed by the fact that thousands of foreigners visit us every year to conduct academic or research activities, declared Cobreiro Suárez

. scenario marked by the improvement of Internet access and recovery of infrastructure buildings, laboratories and public spaces.

Referring to the great independence and revolutionary history hoarded by the institution, the rector said that the University of Havana, that of Carlos Manuel de Céspedes and Felix Varela, of Julio Antonio Mella and Rubén Martínez Villena, of José Antonio Echeverría and Fidel Castro, today bring together those who build and build.

Ania Terrero Trinquete, School of Communication, The most outstanding integral graduate of the day course, she explained that studying at the UH is a pride and achievement, and this story The commitment that is infused into its clbadrooms, corridors and parks is embodied in the symbols and myths that characterize it.

This is a center where we learn, inside and outside the clbadroom, He said that he was in the middle of projects, of "Initiatives and research that gave us the chance to become the protagonists of a Cuba that changes and transforms itself," he said.

During the ceremony, the most outstanding graduates of faculties and teaching spheres, student badistant, work and defense, sport, student residency, research, culture, history, and foreign graduate.

Also distinguished the most outstanding in each of the modalities of study and received the scientific merit award

attended the ceremony Luis Antonio Torres Iribar, member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba and his first secretary in the capital, and Reynaldo García Zapata, president of the Provincial Assembly of People's Power.


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