Radio Havana Cuba | More than 66,000 young Cubans will begin their university studies next September


Havana, July 19 (RHC) Of the total number of students who have pbaded the entrance exams to the university (37,438), about 76% have approved them, to conquer more than 66,000 places in homes. René Sánchez, director of income and work placement at the Ministry of Higher Education (MES).

According to the official, in general the results by subject and index of approved are similar to those of the year finally, almost all the income plans have been filled in a considerable percentage, realizes the l & # 39; ACN.

He pointed out that this amount could increase slightly once the special test call that will take place next August will have been concluded, and with offers to young people who do not pbad the Entrance exams in the courses by Encuentro needed in the territory that have not been covered.

With regard to the day course, that meant, they were granted total of 31 thousand 948 places, in the course for Encuentro, 30 thousand 706, and in the modality of Distance Course, three thousand 510, to complete the figure of 66 thousand 164 capacities delivered.

The thousand 878 careers The social sciences and humanities were 100% fulfilled; the five thousand, 497 of the Technical Sciences, in a 95; the economic 1.665, in a 95; 14 thousand 114 medical sciences, in a 93, to cite the most remarkable examples.

Sánchez drew attention to the incorporation of more than two thousand 700 students in the Pedagogical College to study academic careers in the said profile, adding that more than 400 winners of provincial and national competitions, after having completed the twelfth year, have chosen to graduate in educational careers.

Such an effect is the result of actions that have been applied since several courses to encourage access to these careers, The Director of Placement and Placement

He added that for the distance course the shares will be adopted in the following income processes to increase motivation to study in this modality that requires few resources to achieve it and can be of interest to a good part of the population.


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