Radio Havana Cuba | NASA finds evidence of a new active volcano on the moon Io of Jupiter


NASA discovers a new active volcano on the Moon Io of Jupiter

Io of Jupiter. NASA / JPL / University of Arizona

  The Io satellite of Jupiter. NASA / JPL / University of Arizona

Washington, July 17 (RHC) The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has announced the discovery of a number of aircraft. a new source of heat near the south pole of Io, one of the satellites Galileans of Jupiter, which could indicate the existence of an unknown volcano until now.

Juno scientists were able to detect the heat source using infrared data collected on December 16, 2017 by the JIRAM spacecraft instrument. "The new Io access point that JIRAM has collected is about 300 kilometers from the nearest previously mapped access point," said Alessandro Mura, Juno co-investigator of the Institute. National Astrophysics Institute in Rome, Italy

. that infrared data was collected when Juno was about 470,000 kilometers from Io, considered the celestial body with the most important volcanic activity in our solar system.

Up to now, more than 150 active volcanoes have been found in the region. surface of this moon of Jupiter, but scientists hope to discover at least 250 other volcanoes.

Under the direction of Maite González Martínez

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