Radio Havana Cuba | President of Venezuela pleads for independence and economic peace of the country


President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro

  President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro

Caracas, July 5 (RHC) The President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, asked for the support of the people and the Bolivarian National Armed Forces for to defeat the economic war and achieve peace in the South American country.

Maduro made the call during the inauguration of the civic-military parade, in Caracas, to commemorate 207 years of the signing of the Venezuelan Declaration of Independence and the Day of the Forces Bolivarian national armies.

The President exhorts the Constituent and Plenipotentiary Power, with the Revolutionary Government, the Armed Forces, the Communal Councils and the Local Supply and Production Committee, to put themselves at the head of the financial battle for victory economic. 19659004]

The Head of State recalls that the independence declared two centuries ago has been commemorated differently by several generations and congratulates the more than 25,000 men and women present at the parade, for the sake of 39, integration between the army and the civilian community. 19659004]

The Venezuelan ambbadador to Spain, Mario Isea, defended the right of this country to exercise its sovereignty in peace and without interference, as well as to repeat models of fair redistribution of wealth and inclusion.

Isea pronounced himself in these terms after laying a wreath in front of the statue of the liberator Simón Bolívar, located in a central park of Madrid, on the occasion of the 207th anniversary of the declaration of independence of the nation Latin American.

The diplomat said that the Bolivarian Republic had the right to resolve its differences and difficulties with its own cultural, political and legal tools, in a world constantly threatened with destruction, he warned.

He emphasized the existence of a participatory and protagonist democracy in Venezuela, continuously expressed in the realization of free, universal and transparent elections and which, he stressed, served to defeat violence for political ends.

Our electoral processes are disqualified to try to delegitimize the government, sabotage dialogue scenarios and justify sanctions that become a blatant economic blockade that affects the human rights of Venezuelans, denounced.

According to the ambbadador, the enemies of the Bolivarian process invoke a false humanitarian intent, which in the past plunged into a terrible tragedy: countries whose people were forced to migrate or roamed the seas as refugees.

"Much of what we are experiencing is the product of the protracted war in our beloved Colombia, at the end of which we are making vows," he said.

In this line, he recalled the many millions of Colombians who have found refuge and opportunities in Venezuela over the last 20 years.

He said that if you really want to help your nation, the best way is to lift the seat that makes it difficult to purchase food, medicine, spare parts and equipment for the Industry and an independent and diversified development.

"It is fair to insist on the absurd and unjustified qualification of an unusual threat to the national security of the United States, which served upstairs to deepen this hybrid war: political, economic and ruthless against our country ".

In an obvious allusion to Donald Trump's government, Isea baderted that those who promote endless wars, raise walls, facilitate the extermination of the Palestinian people and weaken the UN can not continue to impose terrorist policies as a permanent threat of invasion of Venezuela

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It confirmed the interest of President Nicolás Maduro's executive to maintain the best relations with all the peoples of the world, within the framework of respect for sovereignty and self-determination, values ​​enshrined in the United Nations Charter.

He hopes that with the arrival of a new government in Spain, led by the Socialist Pedro Sánchez, the channels will be strengthened to improve bilateral relations in a framework of mutual respect and cooperation , and project them all over the European Union.

Diplomats from Palestine, Nicaragua, China, Russia, Syria, Cuba, Bolivia, Vietnam, El Salvador, Peru, Nigeria and Ghana attended the ceremony at Oeste Park in Madrid.

Also present were Spanish politicians and deputies as well as representatives of the solidarity movement with Venezuela.

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