Radio Havana Cuba | The Cuban Institute of Oncology maintains its services after the fire (+ Photos)


Curbelo says that continuity is given to medical activity with all the high scientific level that characterizes the INOR. Photos: PL

  Curbelo says that continuity is given to medical activity with all the high scientific level that characterizes the INOR. Photos: PL

Havana, July 18 (RHC) Dr. Luis Curbelo, director of the National Institute of Oncology and Radiobiology (INOR) of Havana, confirmed on July 18 that thanks to The fast action of firefighters and workers None of the hospital patients was injured during the fire the day before.

"The vitality of work and badistance is maintained under current conditions, to ensure the continuity of medical activity with all the high scientific level we have.

He explained that the flames affected the block where the patients were operated, which led to the internal evacuation of 108 people, at first, in different areas of the establishment so that they were out of danger. [19659004] "We have not had to regret even a scratch on any of them," insisted Curbelo.

He commented that the competent authorities are studying He said that day, 88 patients are treated in institutions close to INOR such as Manuel Fajardo Hospital and the Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery, in addition to Hermanos Ameijeiras Hospital, further away.

Immediately, the first Cuban Vice-President
appeared at & # 39; hospital.
Salvador Valdes Mesa; the Minister of Public Health, Roberto Morales,
and other party and government leaders in Havana.
Photo: Oscar Figueredo / Cubadebate

The director pointed out that several medical oncology teams have been scattered through these centers to offer help and, above all, peace of mind to patients and families [19659004] The work of outpatient chemotherapy rooms, affected by the fire, "said Curbelo.

He added that since the chamber of cytostatic mixtures and the pharmacy have suffered some damage, these preparations are prepared in d & # 39; Other areas of the entity and patients will not see interrupted their treatments.

"Starting tomorrow, the central surgery room, as well as the endoscopy rooms, radiotherapy and d & # 39; Imaging will continue to offer services, "he said. (Source: PL)

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