Radio Havana Cuba | The European Union will use funds to stop migration from Africa


Brussels, July 6 (RHC) The Executive of the European Union (EU) has approved funds of 90.5 million euros to strengthen its borders and stop migrations from North Africa, mainly Morocco, Tunisia and Libya.

Of the total amount, 55 million euros will be destined for Morocco and Tunisia to strengthen surveillance of its territorial boundaries, combat traffickers and carry out rescues at sea, through the delivery of goods. equipment and capacity building,

As specified by the European Commission (EC), an additional 29 million will be used to support migrants and refugees in Libya, "at landing points, detention centers, remote desert areas southern or urban areas.

The remaining $ 6.5 million should be used to help vulnerable migrants to facilitate their access to basic services.

According to the head of the EU diplomacy, Federica Mogherini, These programs support our work in the management of migratory flows in a humane and sustainable way ", as well as the confrontation of groups dedicated to the transfer

The three new EC programs respond to the decision of the Member States of the EU With resources from the EU Emergency Fund for Africa , the plans announced this Friday should increase badistance to refugees and vulnerable immigrants in the region and improve the "capacity of partner countries to better manage their borders", the EC

emphasized. Fund was established in 2015 in the badumption of mitigating the causes of irregular immigration and forced displacement, for which established a budget of three thousand 430 million euros from the contributions from the EU, the Member States of the and other nantes

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