Radio Havana Cuba | The international agreement on migration has been finalized at the UN


António Guterres Secretary General of the United Nations

  António Guterres Secretary General of the United Nations

United Nations, July 13 (RHC) The UN drafted the text of the Global Compact for Safe and Orderly Migration and Regular who seeks to establish an international framework in the design of these policies, after several months of negotiations.

In this regard, the Secretary General of the International Organization, António Guterres, stressed the potential of the agreement to take advantage of the benefits of these human movements.

Guterres pointed out that around the world, migrants are a remarkable engine for growth and that they are now over 250 million, while stressing that although they make up three percent of the global population, they contribute with 10% of the world's gross domestic product.

On the other hand, he regretted that more than 60,000 people in motion have died since 2000, at sea, in the desert and elsewhere, while he said that the migratory phenomenon will be maintained and therefore, should be organized through effective international cooperation between countries of origin, transit and destination.

Similarly, the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary General for International Migration, Louise Arbor, agreed to find a way to guarantee the safety of these human movements and considered that migration should not be considered as good or bad. but as a phenomenon of human history and which can have great benefits, it is well managed.

The United Nations Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, recently approved, is a success story for multilateralism, but represents the beginning of a long road to its implementation.

This was emphasized by the President of the General Assembly at its 72nd session, Miroslav Lajcak, who was satisfied with the consensus reached among the Member States.

This agreement – although it is not legally binding – has enormous potential, it is the result of a unique process, a true dialogue, mutual listening, it's a test of what we can do through dialogue, he said.

In addition, he added, there was not a single document of this type covering the issue of migration to try to regulate the process and offer protection to people on the move.

One of the co-facilitators of intergovernmental dialogues, the representative of Mexico to the UN, Juan José Gómez, stressed that the approval of the final text of the agreement is the result of almost two years of negotiations.

We agreed on an instrument that promotes global understanding on migration issues and the document contains a shared vision of how we understand the phenomenon, based on facts and not preconceptions, at least he says.

The text contains 23 very strong commitments to cover all aspects of migration, as well as concrete proposals to build capacity around the world to regulate migration, he said.

Now we have to work harder for everything that has been agreed, planned, to be put into practice.

For his part, the Swiss ambbadador, Jurg Lauber, emphasized the importance of the dialogue held for months in order to find common points of view in an aspect as complicated as migration.

He also stressed the practical power of the agreement, which brings together specific measures of what needs to be done on the ground.

The Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for International Migration, Louise Arbor, said that the approval of the pact was a process with many challenges and that it required a long process of consultation.

This is a remarkable achievement, which reflects the commitment of the majority of the UN member states to cooperate and marks the beginning of another process: that of the implementation of the agreement.

The official adoption ceremony of the pact, in December in Morocco, will also serve as a platform for cooperative initiatives and the beginning of a long journey to put the agreement into practice, Arbor concludes.

The United States decided to leave this pact, before ending its negotiations and now, at the UN, they keep the door open, according to the president of the General Assembly.

According to United Nations figures, there are 250 million migrants in the world and their contribution is of economic importance both in the receiving countries and in the countries of the world. origin.

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