The Revolution is a telluric thrill, capable of maximizing the talent and creativity of everyone. Photo: Archivo
By Graziella Pogolotti *
Every revolution is a source of law. Any authentic revolution has its roots in the basement of history. It badumes in its renewed radicalism and justifying the will to extirpate the evils accumulated over time.
For this reason, to commemorate the hundred years of La Demajagua, Fidel has raised the inevitable continuity of a battle for the configuration of a sovereign nation, a unity forged from the bottom that unites the wills, beyond the differences of origin and tactical divergences.
When this happens, the Revolution is a telluric thrill, capable of maximizing the talent and creativity of everyone.
Soon the siege against the Bearded Revolution began. The Constitution of 40 proscribes the latifundio. In practice, the text turned out to be a dead letter
. The promulgation of the first agrarian reform law in May 1959 encouraged subversion. It was not characterized, however, by extreme radicalism, allowed the possession of 30 caballerias. It was much larger in the case of livestock raising, cane and rice cultivation, when yields exceeded the national average.
The United States offered protection to internal subversion. The violation of the national airspace and the resulting confrontation, causing casualties in the capital, have given the measure of the existence of a real threat. The necessity of summoning the people to the defense of the country became imperative.

In October 59, the revolutionary national militias were born. They fought in Girón. Night after night, the workers took over the protection of their work centers.
To sabotage would add the organization of groups of elevations in different parts of the country. The longest fight has had its center in the Escambray. This involved a huge investment of human and material resources.
Symbolically, the year of Girón was also that of literacy, focused on the development of adult education, to the accelerated preparation of directors, according to Che's guidelines. At the same time, the University Reform has conceived a gigantic leap in the training of scientists, men and women of thought devoted to the different branches of knowledge.
Cuba has become a hotbed of ideas. The Revolution was an example in the years when the decolonization movement took off. Speaking at the United Nations in September 1960, Fidel enthused the audience with his ability to reveal, in clear and direct language, the dangers that could come to the newly liberated countries.
Housed in the Theresa Hotel, in its entirety heart of Harlem, received prominent leaders of the third world. The movement of non-aligned countries began to take shape
Meanwhile, as pilgrims of hope, artistic, political and social figures from Latin America, Europe and the States Went to Havana. A spirit of renewal has revived left thought. For many, it was the way to heal old wounds.
The socialist project could not ignore its internationalist commitment to the world's poor. When half a century has elapsed, the sketched concepts have all their validity.
On nights of bad sleep, we devoured books of various origins. We read Mariátegui, we discovered Fanon and this extraordinary pioneer named Flora Tristán, we recognized the Martian vein in Mella. We returned to the clbadics of Marxism and found the illuminating texts of Antonio Gramsci
We reviewed the contradictory visions of Lukács, Brecht and Stanislavski. From our living and palpable reality, we began a creative reading of José Martí. As we approach our America, we save the vision of the vanquished.
The exchange of ideas took on an unusual creative intensity, despite the rigor of the day's work, the observance of the guards and the participation in voluntary work. 19659004] Turning my eyes, I wonder how I was able to do so many things, also engaged in the tasks that came out of my job at the National Library and at the University. He had the overabundance of energy, characteristic of youth.
But, above all, we had stopped being seven months old. From the bottom of our roots, was born the pbadion to build a country project always postponed.
The current context is part of the recolonizing conception of hegemonic power. Neoliberalism transcends in its program and practical practice the economic concepts developed half a century ago by Chicago boys.

It conforms to an ideological program that has contaminated the academy, the goals of education, pervades language often, we use words without taking the measure of their true significance.
He masters the media, manipulates consciences, fragments the vision of reality and perverts the meaning of history.
To deal with the avalanche, we must learn to use the most sophisticated resources of contemporary science, with the aim of constructing a critical subject. We can not fall into the trap of conveying a different message with prefabricated pills that inhibit the exercise of thought.
We must save a story that evokes heroes, without neglecting the most precious of popular memory. Do not waste Marti's legacy by making resounding, mutilated formulas of the context and reduced to mere abstractions.
When he wrote Nuestra America, Martí wrote forever. Do not underestimate the interlocutor. "Peoples who do not know each other must hurry to know one another," said the apostle in Our America. Let's pay tribute to the heroes of our region, the silent natives and the lonely black who sings his song.
In the light of the contemporary, our first mandate will have to touch with the hands the submerged essences which live the deepest. d & # 39; aujourd & # 39; hui. Our America is for us and for the Latin American left an essential text of head.
* Exceptional Cuban Intellectual
(From the newspaper Juventud Rebelde)
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