Radio Havana Cuba | They ask in the streets of Lima the resignation of the prosecutor, whom they accuse of corruption


Prosecutor's queries on the streets of Lima, which they accuse of corruption

Lima, July 27 (RHC) Hundreds of Peruvians gathered in Lima, capital, to demand the resignation of the prosecutor Nation, Pedro Chavarry, for his alleged involvement in acts of political corruption with Judge César Hinostroza.

The sit-in took place outside the National Prosecutor's Office, as part of the second round against judicial corruption cases that have been broadcast in the country in recent months, according to Telesur . peaceful demonstration took part in representatives of workers and workers of the union of the company Innova Ambiental SA (Sitobur), the Front Callao Dignity Front and academic groups

The National Coordinator of Human Rights (Cnddhh) , who organized the sit-down, explained that the request for dismissal corresponds to the alleged involvement of Chavarry in the hearings. the judiciary (CNM).

The Cnddhh reported that the day of the protests will be prolonged, since this Friday it will organize a third march from Plaza Sann Martín Square to the Office of the Prosecutor.

Last Monday, local media in Peru broadcast a controversial audio. this one listens to the magistrate Hinostroza, who is suspended from his functions while discussing with the head of company and general manager of IZA Motors, Antonio Camayo Valverde

In the material the two implicit ones can be listened in trying to exchange favors, with the aim of improving the image of Cheverry, before the media.


Edited by Julio Pérez

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