Radio Havana Cuba | They assure that the aviation accident in Cuba was due to human error


Rescue of the deceased in an aviation accident on May 18

  Rescue of the deceased in an aviation accident on May 18

Mexico, December 16 (RHC) The Agency Prensa Latina reviewed the information provided by the Global Air company, where it is reported that it was a human error that caused the May 18 accident in Havana, in which over a hundred or so people have perished.

According to the published text, the company's general manager, Manuel Rodríguez, argued that the data was obtained from voice and flight recordings of the crashed aircraft, and the flight was rebuilt in a simulator to reproduce the maneuvers that the crew performed during the operation.

The data reveal that the crew removed the aircraft from this company and leased it to Cubana de Aviación, at a very steep angle of climb, which created a lack of support that caused its collapse.

He said that in the information extracted from the black boxes of the aircraft, researchers from the Institute of Civil Aviation of Cuba, the Directorate General of Civil Aviation ( DGAC), the Federal Aviation Admiration (FAA), the Bureau of Accidents Investigations (NTSB), two US dependencies, as well as the makers of Boeing and Pratt and Whitney.

He said that the company has badumed its commitment to the victims of this accident and helped to clarify the causes of it, according to information provided by the Mexican state agency, Notimex .

The Department of Communications and Transportation (CTS) has suspended Global Air's operations since May 21, to undertake a greater extraordinary audit of the conditions under which it operated.

According to the agency, the accident aircraft had to be checked between 21 and 24 November 2017, in accordance with the Federal Law on Administrative Procedure and the requirements of the regulations. Mexican officials and other applicable provisions.

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