Radio Havana Cuba | They discover the brightest space object of the primitive universe


Discovered the most brilliant space object in the primitive universe

  Photo / NASA

Washington, 11 Jul. (RHC) Specialists from the National Science Foundation of the United States have detected the most brilliant object of the first universe at once reports Science Alert.

Astronomers have studied a quasar called PSO J352.4034-15.3373 (also known as P352-15) which belongs to the early stages of formation of the universe. In addition, they recorded images of this luminous object composed of three distinct parts

The quasars appear when a supermbadive black hole, which is located at the center of the galaxy, begins to absorb all the matter of its neighborhood . After the huge speed of rotation of the accretion disk around the object, much of the energy that emits light and electromagnetic radiation appears

"We see the P352-15 as it was at the time when the universe had a billion. "Chris Carilli, specialist of the National Observatory of Radio Astronomy

According to the scientist," the brightness and the long distance of this quasar make it a unique instrument. to study the conditions and processes that prevailed in the first galaxies of the universe. "(Source / RT)

Published by Maite González Martínez

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