Radio Havana Cuba | They work in Cuba to modernize the meteorological radar network


Work in Cuba on the modernization of the meteorological radar network

Havana, July 11 (RHC) Orlando Rodríguez, head of the National Radar Center, said that work is under way to modernize the network of eight radars that exist in Cuba, for this purpose, will gradually incorporate Doppler technology, allowing greater accuracy to determine the strength and speed of winds during a hurricane.

The official adds that this system is currently only available on the Camaguey radar, since 2012, where is also the center which operates the national network of this equipment and where the specialists who develop its equipment are working. day.

Rodríguez says that he has Doppler receivers and data processing software on all radars of our country, while there are different technical conditions in each of them to badume technology.

The specialist also from the Provincial Meteorological Center of Camagüey indicated that the automation of the entire network has been a great progress in the modernization of the equipment. (Source: RReloj).

Edited by Bárbara Gómez

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